Hagemann named executive director

October 21, 2016

Melinda Hagemann, development director, Office of Development, will become executive director and will supervise the private fundraising efforts of the campus effective Nov. 1. (More)

Recca assists with hurricane relief

October 20, 2016

Steve Recca, executive director, Center for Human Security, School of Public Affairs, recently returned to campus after assisting the Federal Emergency Management Administration in the federal government response to Hurricane Matthew (More)

HLC: Are you ready?

October 20, 2016

To assist faculty and staff in preparing for the Nov. 14-15 visit by an accreditation team from the Higher Learning Commission, a website housing materials representing the university was recently created. (More)

Provost finalists to visit

October 18, 2016

Three finalists for the position of provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs will visit campus Oct. 13, Oct. 17 and Oct. 27. (More)

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