Ent Center welcomes world-renowned ODC/Dance crew

March 10, 2022

After two years, contemporary dance is returning to the Ent Center for the Arts at UCCS with a performance by ODC/Dance on March 16. The San Francisco-based company, which has had sold-out performances around the world, will be joined by UCCS theatre and dance students for the opening piece of the show.   (More)

Colorado Springs Venture Attractor welcomes its 2022 Cohort 1

March 3, 2022

The Colorado Springs Venture Attractor welcomed its 2022 Cohort 1 companies into their Boot-Up Camp last month. Four Colorado-based ventures have joined the cohort from among a worldwide pool of applicants: Wear Bands, Linkup Point, Forevergreen Tech, and Salt Athletic. (More)

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