New federal guidance on Title IX won’t affect UCCS

September 29, 2017

The U.S. Department of Education’s Sept. 22 announcement that it was rescinding the Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence and an associated question-and-answer document, does not significantly affect CU campuses in the short term. (More)

Cricket comes to campus

September 28, 2017

UCCS got a little more international last week when a game common in the Commonwealth countries came to campus. (More)

Bell named director of community learning

September 27, 2017

Megan Bell, director of assessment, policy and efficiency, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, will become executive director of community learning and assessment effective Oct. 2. (More)

Mountain Lion Stadium gets new scoreboards

September 27, 2017

After a year of using a back-up scoreboard intended for indoor use during out-in-the-elements soccer and lacrosse games, UCCS teams and fans are enjoying new state-of-the-art scoreboards at Mountain Lion Stadium. (More)

Bayer serves on assessment panel

September 26, 2017

Brad Bayer, senior executive director, Student Life and Leadership Office, was a panelist on a Sept. 20 webinar, “The Role of Assessment in Student Involvement.” (More)

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