Photo feature: Freedom to read celebrated
The Kraemer Family Library invited faculty, staff and students to participate in Banned Books Week by reading aloud from books that were once sought to be banned on El Pomar Plaza Sept. 29. (More)
The Kraemer Family Library invited faculty, staff and students to participate in Banned Books Week by reading aloud from books that were once sought to be banned on El Pomar Plaza Sept. 29. (More)
The class of 2019 never licked a postage stamp, see Wi-Fi as an entitlement, and have always watched television in such high definition that the pores of actors and grimaces of quarterbacks were clearly visible. (More)
Fort Carson soldiers and UCCS men will trade boots and tennis shoes in exchange for high-heeled pumps Oct. 10 in an effort to draw attention women’s experiences and sexual assault prevention. (More)
The Campus Wide Extended Studies Department recently changed its name to the Online and Academic Outreach Department. (More)
University dignitaries including CU Regent Kyle Hybl, Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Vice Chancellor Susan Szpyrka, Associate Professor Michelle Companion, Executive Director Megan Bell and Resident Assistants Carissa Cotter and Jacob Christiansen officially dedicated spaces for 292 students to live and eat before a crowd of 75 faculty and staff. (More)
A nurse practitioner with more than 16 years’ experience, will direct the UCCS HealthCircle Primary Care Clinic. (More)
Ken McConnellogue, vice president for communication, Office of the President, shared details of a new “All Four: Colorado” advertising campaign during the September Chancellor’s All-Campus Forum. He was joined by Martin Wood, vice chancellor, University Advancement, and Greg Hoye, director, Marketing Department, University Advancement. Hoye explained UCCS marketing efforts and the connection to broader CU efforts. (More)
The inaugural Mountain Lion Community Week, hosted by the Gateway Program Seminar aims to bring first-year students together, both through a shared experience in class and a full array of events outside of class. (More)
UCCS will expand its intercollegiate athletic program as a way of attracting top students and providing more on-campus student life activities. (More)
Chris Bell, assistant professor, Department of Communication, will present at the 2015 Tedx Colorado Springs conferences scheduled for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 17 at Library 21c, 1175 Chapel Hills Drive. (More)
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