Mujkic co-authors article on military ethics

December 14, 2017

Edin Mujkic, assistant professor, School of Public Affairs, co-authored the article “Ethics Training for U.S. Military Leaders: Challenging the Conventional Approach” in the Journal of Public Integrity. (More)

Recca assists with hurricane relief

October 20, 2016

Steve Recca, executive director, Center for Human Security, School of Public Affairs, recently returned to campus after assisting the Federal Emergency Management Administration in the federal government response to Hurricane Matthew (More)

International focus is forum topic

March 10, 2016

Internationalization and global education will be the focus of the March Chancellor Campus Forum scheduled for noon March 15 in University Center 302. Mandy Hansen, director, Global Engagement Office, will offer an overview of internationalization (More)

International symposium to explore Mexico, U.S. relations

April 30, 2015

As part of the university’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, Don Klingner, distinguished professor, School of Public Affairs, and Steve Recca, executive director, UCCS Center for Human Security, organized a symposium of Mexico, State of Colorado and U.S. military leaders with the goal of new policies designed to improve human security in both nations.

The symposium will begin at 9 a.m. May 5 at the Lodge. More than 75 academic, political and business leaders are expected to attend. The event is free of charge and open to the public. Registration is required and will begin at 8:30 a.m.

Center changes name, focuses on people

November 19, 2014

The Center for Homeland Security in the School of Public Affairs will change its name as part of a new focus. Now the Center for Human Security, the new name more accurately reflects the expansive (More)

Service awards presented at spring staff luncheon

May 29, 2012

Sixty-seven classified and professional exempt  staff were recognized with service awards for FY 2012 at the May 23 staff spring luncheon. The award recipients were:  5 Year Z. Benek Altayli, director, Counseling Center Katie Simmons, (More)

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