James “Lynn” Woodworth, commissioner for the National Center for Education Statistics at the U.S. Department of Education, will speak on campus April 4 as the second featured guest of the Dean’s Distinguished Scholar Series. He will speak from 5-7 p.m. in University Hall 180.
The evening presentation is hosted by the College of Education, Dean Valerie Martin Conley and Grant Clayton, assistant professor of teaching and learning. Woodworth currently leads the NCES and will be introducing UCCS to NCES data and publications. During his presentation, titled “Introduction to the National Center for Educational Statistics Data and Publication,” Woodworth will be discussing research possibilities using NCES datasets. Specifically, he will address NCES collections of nationally representative sample data, surveys, longitudinal and census level data.
RSVPs are requested at coe.rsvpify.com.
The Dean’s Distinguished Scholar Series started earlier this month with Deborah Carr, professor and chair of sociology at Boston University. The new collaboration between the six colleges, Provost’s Office and the Office of Research is designed to increase the exchange of ideas among the campus community, improve interdisciplinary connections on campus and enhance connections for students with scholars.
Upcoming speakers include Janet Hartley, president-elect of Decision Sciences Institute and professor in the Department of Management for the College of Business at Bowling Green State University, on April 30 at the invitation of the College of Business. The complete lineup of scholars for fall 2019 can be found at https://www.uccs.edu/research/deans-scholar-series.
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