Used for posts within the Department of Biology
A collaborative team of five talented students from the UCCS and Pikes Peak State College is set to make history with their innovative research experiment bound for the International Space Station in spring 2025. (More)
As an immigrant from Kurdistan and the eldest of four children, Laveen Khoshnaw’s story is one of overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities. (More)
After being selected for a substantive U.S. National Science Foundation grant, Douglas Risser, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, will spend the next few years developing genomic tools for better understanding a cyanobacterium and its makeup. (More)
The university’s most unusual hidden treasure on the UCCS campus might be the Pigage Natural History Museum and Wildlife Lab located in Osborne. (More)
Hidden away in the Osborne Center for Science and Engineering is a comprehensive collection of wildlife specimens. Bison, bats, squirrels, deer, big cats and many other creatures lounge on the shelves at the Jon C. Pigage Natural History Museum. (More)
This summer, the University of Colorado Colorado Springs will launch the UCCS Stem Outreach Program, which will invite 24 high school students from underrepresented backgrounds to experience collegiate-level labs in chemistry, biology, biochemistry and human anatomy. (More)
Genia Olesnicky — a developmental biologist, part-time rock star and full-time mentor to dozens of undergraduate and graduate students at UCCS — has been named the winner of the third annual UCCS Outstanding Research Mentorship award. (More)
Johnathan Gachuzo Gonzalez, a first-generation scholar and senior biomedical sciences major at UCCS, is lifting up his community as he prepares for a career in health care. (More)
How do organisms survive in environments that should kill them? That’s the question at the heart of an Undergraduate Research Academy project conducted by Hadeel Khammash, a senior biomedical sciences major at UCCS, and Amy Klocko, Assistant Professor of Biology. (More)
One day, Naila Tagoilelagi hopes to join the medical field. But along the way, she wants to help other women pursue meaningful careers in STEM, too — and break down the obstacles that women face in STEM careers every day. (More)