2016 Homecoming to include new events for alumni and students, plus old favorites

UCCS Homecoming "Light the Spine" Thursday October 8, 2015. Photo by Jeff Kearney.
UCCS Homecoming “Light the Spine” Thursday October 8, 2015. Photo by Jeff Kearney.

UCCS Homecoming this year will include more offerings for alumni, a new campus event called Chalk the Walk and the addition of the Trek the Trails fundraiser to the four-day celebration of UCCS.

Homecoming events begin at 11 a.m. Oct. 13 with Chalk the Walk on the spine near the West Lawn. Members of the Office of Student Activities, along with UCCS student clubs and organizations, will decorate the spine for Homecoming, said Stephen Cucchiara, assistant director of student activities, Student Life and Leadership. Prizes will go to the most creative designs.

Homecoming kickoff festivities begin at 7:30 p.m. that day on the El Pomar Plaza near the entrance to the Kraemer Family Library, with student athletes, team chants, free food, games and the lighting of the large UCCS letters, a campus favorite.

“It’s another celebration of UCCS,” Cucchiara said of Homecoming.

Other Homecoming activities:

UCCS Homecoming "Light the Spine" Thursday October 8, 2015. Photo by Jeff Kearney.
UCCS Homecoming “Light the Spine” Thursday October 8, 2015. Photo by Jeff Kearney.

Oct. 14:

  • The annual march will begin at 3 p.m. at the Alpine Field entrance near the garage. Organizers plan to make it more like a parade this year, with participants making banners and perhaps floats for the march to Mountain Lion Stadium.
  • The Homecoming Tailgate for students will be 3:30-4:30 p.m. on the ROTC turf field, with inflatables, music, free t-shirts and food.
  • Men’s soccer against Regis University starts at 5 p.m. at Mountain Lion Stadium. Women’s soccer takes on Colorado School of Mines at 7:30 p.m.
  • The annual Homecoming bonfire starts after the soccer games in Parking Lot 572.

Oct. 15:

  • Trek the Trail, now in its third year, moves to Homecoming weekend. The 5K race benefits Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences scholarships. For information, click here.
  • The Homecoming Formal and Casino Night for students and alumni starts at 8 p.m. in Gallogly Events Center and Berger Hall. Tickets are on sale now at the University Center information desk.

Oct. 16:

  • Soccer games continue at noon at Mountain Lion Stadium, with a tailgate event for alumni.

UCCS has created new programs this year for alumni, said Jennifer Hane, director, Alumni Relations and the Annual Fund. UCCS has more than 43,000 alumni, nearly half of whom live in the Pikes Peak region.

“By offering a diverse array of programming over a multi-day period, including the opportunity to sit in on a few classes, we hope to draw more alumni than ever back to campus,” she said.

The annual alumni faculty and staff breakfast will be 8 a.m. Oct. 14. Alumni are invited to other Homecoming events, especially the lighting of the UCCS letters and the Formal and Casino Night.

New alumni programs include:

  • Three classes that alumni can visit
  • Wines & Vines, a popular UCCS course adapted for alumni, 5:30-7 p.m. Oct. 14
  • Coffee and donuts (with alumni swag), 10:30-11 a.m. Oct. 15
  • Campus shuttle tour, 11 a.m. Oct. 15
  • Homecoming lunch at Clyde’s in the University Center, 1 p.m. Oct. 15
  • Tailgate party, 11:30 a.m. Oct. 16, before the soccer games

For more information on alumni Homecoming events, click here.

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