Scholars and mentors for the Karen Possehl Women’s Endowment program at UCCS will benefit from a new $150,000 endowment that will establish a professional development program.
The Sally Roetzel Lanagan Professional Development Program Endowment honors the memory of a former Colorado Springs resident who died unexpectedly in 2012. The funding will allow KPWE scholars and mentors to attend facilitated trainings by leadership development professionals and improve interpersonal skills development. Lanagan’s husband, Michael, made the donation to honor his late wife. Michael Lanagan is a CU-Denver alumnus. Sally Lanagan was a CU Boulder alumna.
The thread that led to this gift began with just that: threads.
Michael Lanagan learned about the KPWE scholarship program during a visit to Colorado Springs and contacted the program to donate his wife’s wardrobe since many KPWE scholars lack financial resources for job interview attire. After spending time with UCCS staff members, KPWE scholars and alumni, and attending the 2015 Unstoppable Women’s KPWE benefit luncheon, Lanagan and sons, Sean and Tad, were moved to provide a gift in memory of Sally.

“Sally was passionately committed to education and consistently reached out to help others. I know she would bond with and strongly support this special program,” Lanagan said. “Honoring the communities of which Sally was a part is an important responsibility of our family, and supporting this cause is a meaningful way for us to honor her legacy.”
Lanagan is committed to continuing to grow the fund, with support from the community. KPWE Scholarship recipients will now become automatically enrolled in the Sally Roetzel Lanagan Professional Development Program.
“KPWE has grown into a highly successful scholarship program,” Lee Ingalls Noble, KPWE advisory board chair and retired director of the Office of Student Financial Aid, said. “It has gained local and national attention for its unique offerings of mentoring and professional development. The Sally Roetzel Lanagan Professional Development Program Endowment provides a valuable addition to the program to further set it apart from most others.”
The KPWE Scholarship program, endowed in 1998 by Karen and Jim Possehl, provides financial assistance and mentor support for nontraditional UCCS students who are starting or returning to college after having overcome significant personal adversity. The program has awarded 162 scholarships since its inception.
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