Students invited to help make sustainable, high-speed passenger transportation a reality

Concept art for the HTT Passenger Capsule. Photo credit: PriestmanGoode and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies.

Interested in helping to make sustainable, high-speed passenger rail transportation a reality? Join UCCS’ Hyperfalcos team, which competes in the annual SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition to create a fast, safe vacuum-sealed pod for a transit system inspired by Elon Musk’s designs.

Originally proposed in an open-source design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX, the Hyperloop conceptualizes a network of sealed vacuum tubes that could carry passengers in a pod at high speeds over long distances. Since 2017, teams have competed globally in the Hyperloop Pod Competition to design and construct the fastest, safest pod prototypes possible.

While the Hyperloop Pod Competition is currently on hold, the team continues to research induction, machine learning and more in preparation for future competitions. 

No STEM background? No problem. All majors and class years are welcome with no prior knowledge needed, and Hyperfalcos is seeking members for its business, mechanical and electrical teams.

The Hyperfalcos business team is seeking members interested in

  • media promotion
  • bookkeeping
  • networking
  • sponsorship acquisition, and
  • tech writing.

Interested? Email Aidan Westbrook.

The Hyperfalcos mechanical team is seeking members interested in

  • energy efficiency
  • power delivery
  • aerodynamics
  • materials
  • manufacturing, and
  • heat transfer.

Interested? Email Cecilia Knight.

The Hyperfalcos electrical team is seeking members interested in

  • induction research and machine coding, and
  • controller code for Arduinos. 

Interested? Email Sam Rossilli.