Eight join UCCS in September

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Eight people started positions at UCCS in September 2020, according to the Office of Human Resources:

  • Julia Costin, associate director of the Colorado Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program, College of Business
  • Stephanie Cruz, employer relations lead for the Colorado Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program, College of Business
  • Timothy Doenges, psychologist, National Institute for Human Resilience
  • Andrew Huggins, academic services professional, Academic Advising
  • Pedro Santiago, finance and accounting manager, Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences
  • Carrie Sigmon, apprenticeship recruiter for the Colorado Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program, College of Business
  • Calla Wooldridge, apprenticeship case specialist for the Colorado Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program, College of Business
  • Carolyn Yeager, research associate, National Institute for Human Resilience