UCCS Aging Center receives NextFifty Initiative grant for COVID-19 services

Text and a blurry picture in the background for the UCCS Aging Center

The UCCS Aging Center received a $25,000 grant award for “Strengthening Services for Older Adults During and After COVID-19.” The award was provided by the NextFifty Initiative.

The NextFifty Initiative is a Denver-based nonprofit organization dedicated to funding innovative, mission-driven initiatives that improve the lives of older adults and their caregivers.

The UCCS Aging Center is a nonprofit community mental health clinic that provides individual, group, marital and family psychotherapy to adults 55 and older and caregivers as well as memory and neuropsychological assessments and consultation. Services are provided on a sliding payment scale by trainees and for Medicare reimbursement by licensed therapists with expertise in geropsychology. The Aging Center is one of five HealthCircle clinics located in the Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences on North Nevada Avenue. For more information, visit www.uccs.edu/healthcircle.

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  1. Aging Center shares community resource on cognitive care – UCCS Communique

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