Sierra Brown, a senior English student, and Nancy Moore, CRM specialist for Admissions Services, were recognized by the CU Board of Regents for their service as system-wide representatives from student and staff governance groups, respectively, during the regent board meeting June 13 on the CU Boulder campus. Brown completed her term as chair of the Intercampus Student Forum and Moore completed a two-year term as the chair of the University of Colorado Staff Council.
Brown served as one of two student representatives on the presidential search committee. She led the review and update of the ICSF bylaws and the realignment of the bylaws with CU and regent mission and values. Brown also served as president of the UCCS Student Government Association in 2018-19. She will graduate in fall 2019.
“I’ve been able to watch you grow in your role,” said Sue Sharkey, regent from the Fourth Congressional District and chair of the board. “Thank you for all that you’ve done on behalf of the University of Colorado.”
“Thank you for continuously reminding us of the students that we represent and the diversity they bring,” said Irene Griego, regent from the Seventh Congressional District.
Regent Heidi Ganahl, one of two at-large regents representing the state, presented the resolution on behalf of the board. The resolution was approved 8-0 with one absence.
Moore served two terms as chair of Staff Council. As the staff representative to the board, she advocated for the adoption of paid parental leave for university and classified staff, and a tuition benefit pilot program for all CU employees. Moore also provided staff feedback to the board during the presidential search process.
“As a member of the board who is also a staff member, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done,” said Jack Kroll, regent from the First Congressional District. “You leave a wonderful legacy behind and some big shoes for Ryan (Untisz, the incoming chair).”
“I appreciate all the work that you’ve done,” Sharkey said. “This year has probably been more challenging for everyone serving in leadership roles during the presidential search, but I want to thank you for your work and commitment.”
Kroll presented the resolution on behalf of the board, which was approved 8-0 with one absence.
Sierra BrownWHEREAS Sierra Brown consistently provided an articulate and eloquent voice for students of the University of Colorado as chair of the Intercampus Student Forum (ICSF) for the 2018-2019 fiscal year;
WHEREAS Sierra was integral to the review and updates to the ICSF Bylaws, eliminating outdated processes and realigning the ICSF with CU and Regent mission and vision;
WHEREAS Sierra served as one of 17 members on the presidential search committee and was integral in selecting six qualified presidential candidates for the regents to consider;
WHEREAS Sierra represented the students of the University of Colorado honorably in providing feedback to the board on the sole presidential finalist.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Regents of the University of Colorado expresses its appreciation to Sierra for her dedication and service to the university community and the State of Colorado.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Regents extends best wishes for her continued success in her future endeavors.
Hereby adopted by the University of Colorado Board of Regents on June 13, 2019
Chair, Board of Regents
Sue Sharkey
Nancy MooreWHEREAS Nancy Moore consistently exhibited a mindful and caring approach to representing all voices and perspectives of the staff of the University of Colorado as chair of Staff Council for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 fiscal years;
WHEREAS Nancy approached her role with heart and passion and cares deeply about the well-being of all employees of the University of Colorado;
WHEREAS Nancy advocated for paid parental leave and the tuition benefit pilot program for the betterment of all employees of the University of Colorado;
WHEREAS Nancy represented the staff of the University of Colorado honorably in providing feedback to the board on the sole presidential finalist.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Regents of the University of Colorado expresses its appreciation to Nancy for her dedication and service to the university community and the State of Colorado.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Regents extends best wishes for her continued success.
Hereby adopted by the University of Colorado Board of Regents on June 13, 2019
Chair, Board of Regents
Sue Sharkey
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