Family Development Center receives Indy Gold
In a testament to its quality and care standards, the Family Development Center was awarded the 2023 Gold for best Child Day Care in Colorado Springs by news source Colorado Springs Indy. (More)
In a testament to its quality and care standards, the Family Development Center was awarded the 2023 Gold for best Child Day Care in Colorado Springs by news source Colorado Springs Indy. (More)
Is cashing in always selling out? Theatreworks Colorado Springs poses the question with next month’s production of Dream Hou$e by Eliana Pipes: a new play featuring two Latina sisters on an HGTV-style reality show. (More)
Five students from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ranging from the undergraduate through the Ph.D. level, recently presented papers at the International American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Conference. (More)
Assistant Professor Ezio Iacocca of the Department of Physics and Energy Science and his co-authors recently published an article with groundbreaking results on the speed that domain walls of certain multilayered ferromagnetic materials can move at without breakdown. (More)
Attend the MLK Days of Service and Action, join free ice skating, visit a pet therapy dog and check out an Ent Center for the Arts show! (More)
Welshon’s latest book, “Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morality: A Guide” introduces readers of all levels to the major arguments found in Nietzsche’s “Genealogy.” (More)
Between an eponymous award being established, decades of devoted service, a space named in her honor and several awards for her work over the years, it’s safe to say Rochelle Dickey left her mark on Colorado College in her career of over 30 years there. (More)
As we step into the new year, I invite you to center your mental health and well-being and welcome new opportunities for learning and community connection. (More)
Are you looking for help with budgeting or planning for your financial future? Through our partnership with Ent Credit Union, UCCS students can take advantage of free financial coaching services. (More)
We take a deeper dive into Tarek Masaud’s work on battery storage and how it can bring us closer to a cleaner, more adaptable future. (More)
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