A decorated U.S. Air Force general and former commander of the North American Aerospace Defense command will share lessons in leadership during a Feb. 19 luncheon at UCCS.
Air Force General (retired) Victor E. “Gene” Renuart, a 39 year Air Force veteran who led NORAD and commanded the 76th Tactical Fighter Squadron, will speak on the “Ethics of Command” as part of a lecture sponsored by the UCCS College of Business Ethics Initiative. The event is co-sponsored by the Colorado Ethics in Business Alliance.
The event begins at 11:30 a.m. in the Upper Lodge on the UCCS campus. Tickets are $30 each (free to UCCS students, faculty and staff – registration is required, however). For more information and to register, please visit www.uccs.edu/~business/ and click on “The Ethics of Command” in the events section.
“In his daily life, Gene Renuart exemplifies a cornerstone of leadership and ethical decision making,” Venkat Reddy, dean, UCCS College of Business, said. “He will relate his experiences in the military and business to the principles of the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative and demonstrate how these principles can become part of our everyday lives.”
About the Speaker
Renuart’s Air Force career culminated as commander of NORAD and US Northern Command. In this position, he was responsible for providing for the homeland defense and defense support to civilian authorities for the United States and for partnering with Canada and Mexico in North American security issues. He was also responsible for building the interagency cooperation necessary to support more than 55 government partners and 53 states, districts, and territories.
From 2003 to 2007, Renuart served as vice commander, Pacific Air Forces, and as the director of strategy, policy and planning for the Joint Staff and as senior military assistant to the secretary of defense.
He also served as vice commander of Pacific Air Forces where he was responsible for operations and logistics of the 57,000 U.S. Air Force members assigned in the Pacific Theater of Operations. From 1989 to 1991, General Renuart commanded the 76th Tactical Fighter Squadron at England Air Force Base, Alexandria, La.
Since retiring, General Renuart has served as the senior military advisor and vice president of national security strategy for BAE Systems, Inc., and as president of The Renuart Group, LLC, a defense, homeland security, energy, and leadership consulting firm, based in Colorado Springs.
General Renuart serves both locally and nationally as a member of the board of Memorial Health Systems, a member of the board of the Colorado Springs Regional Business Alliance, chairman of the board of the National Homeland Defense Foundation, trustee for El Pomar Foundation, a member of the board of the Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo, and as national chairman of the advisory board on services to the armed forces, American Red Cross.
He is an advisor to local industry and serves as a member of Gov. John Hickenlooper’s Colorado National Defense Strategy Council and the Indiana State Energy Systems Network.
About the Sponsors
The UCCS College of Business Ethics Initiative aims to instill ethical principles into the personal and organizational decision-making process of every member of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs community. This integrative learning environment will create leaders with integrity who are capable of responsible global business management and conscious of the accountability inherent in corporate governance. The initiative is funded by a grant from the Daniels Fund, Denver. For more information, visit http://www.uccs.edu/~businessethics/
The Colorado Ethics Business Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring integrity and honoring high ethical standards in the Colorado business community. CEBA presents annual ethics awards to corporations, nonprofits and individuals and hosts forums for the business community to discuss ethics in leadership. For more information, visit http://www.ceba.org/index.php.
–Eric Nissen, College of Business
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