UCCS and the University of Colorado System recently underwent a transition for all online giving forms—moving from the previous custom site to the GiveCampus platform. GiveCampus now hosts all online giving for UCCS and the other three CU campuses (CU Denver, CU Boulder and CU Anschutz), individual fund donation pages as well as crowdfunding campaigns.
This article is intended to help answer common questions pertaining to transition of the online giving platform and to provide an overview of what’s next.
What’s New
- The main CU website for online giving now displays tiles for each of the four campuses. The UCCS tile directs to a single form where donors can search for and give to any UCCS fund.
- The new giving form accepts a wider variety of payment methods, including Paypal, Venmo, direct bank transfers, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and traditional credit cards.
- GiveCampus forms are created and maintained by the Development team here at UCCS, which is another change from the previous platform maintained by CU System Advancement.
Online Giving Transition Timeline
- The initial integration was completed on July 29, 2024.
- August was used to stabilize the platform and deploy additional forms for the funds featured across the UCCS.edu website.
- Beginning in September and continuing throughout the rest of FY25, work will begin on “Phase 2” of the GiveCampus implementation. This will include greater customization of giving forms.
Crowdfunding is a way to generate small donations from many people in support of a campus initiative at UCCS.
- The Development office will continue to support crowdfunding requests. With the online giving platform transition to GiveCampus, UCCS’s crowdfunding site will have a different look. That, however, is the only change outside of the new ways that gifts can be accepted.
- For crowdfunding requests, campus units should work through their Development representative or reach out directly to Tessa Ackerland at [email protected].
Points of Contact
- If you have questions about the new giving platform, reach out to Tessa Ackerland at [email protected] or Sara Daum at [email protected].