Emergency and Safety Services bringing new safety features to campus

Emergency and Safety Services is bringing two new safety features to campus this fall: a panic button that will be installed on all UCCS computers and a brand-new safety app.

Panic Buttons

The panic button software, represented by a green icon on your desktop, acts as a direct line of communication in an emergency. Designed to be user-friendly and efficient, this new system aims to provide a quicker response to emergencies.

The panic button becomes active upon triple-clicking the green icon on your desktop. This action gives you a new window on your screen, allowing you to provide additional information about the situation, such as the nature of the incident, location, or any other relevant details that could help our response team. If the alert was generated in error or the situation has been resolved, the same window offers the option to cancel the alert.

The panic button will not be immediately available on Mac computers, but will work on all others.


The new safety app, called UCCS SAFE, is the official safety app of the university and the only app that integrates with the university’s safety and security systems. The app will send users important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources.

UCCS SAFE features include:

  • Emergency Contacts: Contact the correct services in case of an emergency or a non-emergency concern

  • Friend Walk: Send your location to a friend through email or SMS on your device. Once the friend accepts the Friend Walk request, the user picks their destination and their friend tracks their location in real time; they can keep an eye on them to make sure they make it safely to their destination

  • Report an Incident: Multiple ways to report a safety/security concern directly to UCCS Police

  • Virtual Safety Walk: Allow UCCS Police to monitor a user’s walk. If a user feels unsafe when walking on campus, they can request a Virtual Safety Walk and a dispatcher on the other end will monitor their journey until they reach their destination

  • Emergency Plans: Campus emergency documentation that can prepare you for disasters or emergencies. This can be accessed even when users aren’t connected to Wi-Fi or cellular data

  • Safety Notifications: Receive instant notifications and instructions when on-campus emergencies occur

Download the app on Google Play or in the App Store.