Middle Row, left to right: Shane Callahan, Natasha Liebig, Jennifer DeBoer, Tina Twilleger
Bottom Row, left to right: Paula Mann, Dillon Martin, Mittie Helm, Carol Kurowski, Bruce N. Lundberg
The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program at UCCS College of Business recently welcomed 16 faculty and staff members from regional colleges to serve as 2021-22 Ethics Champions.
The ethic champions represent two- and four-year colleges from the Southern Colorado Ethics Consortium (SCEC) and work to expand principled-based ethics education throughout their campus and regional community. Each ethics champion works collaboratively with the DFEI at UCCS to share resources and initiatives with educators throughout southern Colorado.
“We are pleased to welcome the 2021-22 ethics champions from eleven southern Colorado higher education institutions to instill principle-based ethics on their campus,” said Tracy Gonzalez-Pardon, director, DFEI at UCCS. “Through the Southern Colorado Ethics Consortium and the ethics champions, DFEI principles were introduced last year to 2,300 students, over 15,000 business/community, and 105 educators.”
“The reach of the SCEC expanded in 2020-21 academic year with Odyssey Early College formally joining the consortium,” Scott Van Ness said. “The US Air Force Academy also joined the SCEC officially in June, 2020. We’re thrilled about the expansion of the program as we work to reach additional students, faculty and staff to bring ethics principles and leadership to institutions across southern Colorado.”
The selected champions are:
- Shane Callahan, Philosophy, Adams State
- Natasha Liebig, Philosophy, History, Anthropology, Philosophy, Political Science, Adams State University
- Bruce N. Lundberg, Mathematics, CSU-Pueblo
- Tina Twilleger, Health Science and Human Movement, CSU-Pueblo
- Jill Choate, Education, Fort Lewis College
- Andres “AJ” Arrendondo Jr., Residence and Student Life, Lamar Community College
- Keith E. Clayton, Business, Odyssey Early College and Career Options
- Dillon Martin, Auxiliary Services & Foundation, Otero College
- Carol Kurowski, Business, Pikes Peak Community College
- Jeannie Beth Almanza, Medical Imaging, Pueblo Community College
- Matthew Grable, Pueblo Law Enforcement Academy, Pueblo Community College
- Paul Boone, History, Trinidad State College
- Scott Heyler, Management, United States Air Force Academy
- Jennifer DeBoer, Business Administration, Western Colorado University
- Paula Mann, Accountancy, Western Colorado University
- Michael Vieregge, Business Administration, Western Colorado University
“I want to become a better instructor through more training and understanding of the concept of ethics in education, Jeannie Beth Almanza said. “I will share the ideas with my colleagues to remind us that reflection on teaching and interactions, and using a more ethics-based approach to delivery, will create better student learning outcomes, relationships and contributions to the community.”
A nomination of Paula Mann mentioned, “Being somewhat new to academia, Paula brings a fresh perspective and enthusiasm to teaching in the Accounting Department in the School of Business. She is able to share true life experiences with students and demonstrate the true importance that ethics, integrity and leadership play in the environment that they are working towards becoming a part of.”
For more information about the 2020-21 ethics champions, go to www.uccs.edu/businessethics
The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program at UCCS College of Business is a resource for principle-based ethics education, serving students, educators and business community. The UCCS College of Business is one of eight original participating schools in the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program that now includes twelve participating schools. The DFEI supports the Southern Colorado Education Consortium (SCEC) for nine higher education institutions in the southern half of the state. In 2016, the DFEI Collegiate Program at UCCS launched an ethics champion pilot program to expand best practices in ethics education. Each participating school has educators serving as Ethics Champions on their campus to expand principle-based ethics education and resources throughout southern Colorado. The program has since expanded to include a large variety of events and programs for educators, students and business members throughout southern Colorado. For more information, visit www.uccs.edu/businessethics
The UCCS College of Business was established in 1965 and has more than 1,300 undergraduates and 350 MBA and distance MBA students. The College of Business and Administration awards the Bachelor of Science in Business and Bachelor of Innovation degrees. The Graduate School of Business Administration awards the Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Accounting and Executive Doctor of Business Administration degrees. More than 10,000 alumni of the College of Business live and work around the world. For more information, visit uccs.edu/business.
The University of Colorado Colorado Springs, located on Austin Bluffs Parkway in Colorado Springs, is one of the fastest growing universities in Colorado. The university offers 46 bachelor’s degrees, 22 master’s and five doctoral degrees. UCCS enrolls about 12,400 students annually and another 3,300 in online programs. For more information, visit www.uccs.edu.