Photo Feature: COVID-19 vaccine POD simulation

Over 50 staff and students from across campus and a representative from El Paso County Public Health were invited to participate in and observe a COVID-19 vaccine point of dispensing (POD) simulation on Feb. 10, 2021. The simulation took place at the Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center inside one of the basketball courts.

At this time, UCCS will be a POD site after receiving approval this week for phase two and/or three. “We want to practice and make this as realistic as possible so that we are well prepared when we do get the vaccine,” said Stephanie Hanenberg, assistant vice chancellor of health and wellness. Taking into consideration social distancing and other safety guidelines, multiple stations will be set up in each of the four gymnasiums allowing for up to 500 vaccines to be given within a two-hour window.

Being a vaccine distribution center is not new for UCCS. In November of 2009, more than 580 members of the campus community, mostly students, received vaccinations to prevent the H1N1 flu.

El Paso County Public Health predicts that it could take anywhere from several months to a year to distribute the vaccine to everyone who wants one. To learn more about COVID-19 vaccination distribution, visit the El Paso County Public Health website.

Sign that says "POD simulation entrance"
The COVID vaccine POD simulation took place at the Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center.
people standing around listening to someone speak
UCCS staff and students, including the Office of the Dean of Students, were invited to observe and participate in the simulation.
People sitting at tables
UCCS staff members assisted with line management and check-in.
A group of people stand socially distanced as they listen to someone spealk
Stephanie Hanenberg, assistant vice chancellor of health and wellness, listens intently to a brief HIPAA training.
People standing and sitting
Participants in the simulation played different roles as health care professionals and patients.
People sitting next to tables
Participants broke out into small groups to learn more about their roles.
Someone holding up a receipt
Dawn Carter, a medical assistant in the wellness center, poses for a photo.