Theatreworks earns accolades

July 26, 2013

The Colorado Theatre Guild honored UCCS Theatreworks with three Henry Awards during a July 22 event at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities. The awards are: Best Regional Theatre to Theatreworks Outstanding Volunteer (More)

Kling named Employee of the Quarter

July 24, 2013

Heather Kling is not accustomed to the spotlight. In fact, she’d prefer to stay behind the scenes if she could. But after recently being named Employee of the Quarter, Kling, program manager, Office of Veteran (More)

Photo Feature: Signed beam tops Lane Center

July 22, 2013

More than 60 UCCS and Colorado Springs community leaders watched a final piece of structural steel be lifted into place atop the Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences at a “topping off” ceremony July 22  near the intersection (More)

UCCS, CC biologists to collaborate in gene research

July 19, 2013

A chance dinnertime conversation turned into a $677,091 National Science Foundation grant for two professors of biology, one at UCCS and one at Colorado College. Eugenia Olesnicky Killian, assistant professor, Department of Biology, and Darrell (More)

Photo feature: Harvest time

July 18, 2013

A harvest of butter crunch lettuce, arugula, Bok choy, baby beets,  beet greens, daikons, mint, kale, chamomile, tarragon, and chives from the Yawn Valley Student Garden was offered to faculty, staff and students Wednesday morning (More)

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