Dean named to new Chamber and EDC governing board

December 15, 2011

Venkat Reddy, dean, College of Business, was recently selected as one of 15 directors to form the new governing board of the Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce and the Colorado Springs Regional Economic Development (More)

Campus donations benefit needy families

December 15, 2011

The UCCS community made a happy holiday possible for 26 families this year, providing gifts and food to celebrate the season. Donations increased during the final week and the Kraemer Family Library’s Food for Fines (More)

Alumni and guests enjoy parade accommodations

December 9, 2011

UCCS alums and their families attending the 27th annual Festival of Lights Parade Dec. 3 found hot drinks, snacks, and Boomer at GOCA 121, 121 S. Tejon. The annual community event  featured a UCCS float and (More)

Faculty and staff feted at reception

December 9, 2011

Peg Bacon, provost, and Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak welcomed guests to the annual UCCS Faculty and Staff Appreciation Reception Dec. 7.  Bacon read a passage from Dr. Seuss’ “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” to honor the (More)

Last staff meeting for 2011 for relaxing and socializing

December 8, 2011

Other than a couple of announcements, the Dec. 7 Staff Council/PESA luncheon was just for fun. UCCS classified and professional exempt staff enjoyed conversation, laughter and lively Bingo games followed by musical entertainment. “Don’t eat (More)

Food for Fines boosts service project

December 6, 2011

Holiday Service Project Committee members are hoping for a last-minute avalanche of donations during the final days of the food drive, but if it doesn’t happen, the Food for Fines program at the Kraemer Family (More)

Who’s New: November new staff

December 5, 2011

Ten new staff members joined UCCS in November. Their names, titles, departments and start dates follow. Stacy Newland, database specialist, Department of Psychology,  Nov. 21. Sandra Summers, site coordinator, Lamar Community College Two-plus-Two Program,  Nov. (More)

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