Meet the Chancellor’s Executive Leadership Team members

Lynn Vidler | Martin Wood | Stephanie Hanenberg | Kathy Kaoudis | Robin Parent | Amanda Hull

Lynn Vidler | Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Lynn Vidler

Lynn Vidler (they/them) will serve as the Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, leading the university in its academic vision and strategy. Lynn oversees the seven colleges and schools, the Kraemer Family Library, the Office of Research and various research centers and institutes, faculty affairs functions as well as the areas within Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning.  

“My aim is always to foster the development of people (students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members) and ideas (research and creative scholarship) for Colorado and the world,” they said. “These are the people who ultimately leverage innovative ideas to lead positive change and make our institution, our state and our world a better place. As a scholar and teacher, I focus this work through the education of students in world languages, literatures and cultures. As a leader, I work to improve organizations to better support this development, and to grow new, thoughtful leaders for those institutions to create a legacy of continuous improvement.” 

As part of their administrative role, Lynn co-directs campus leadership development efforts through UCCS’s Higher Learning Commission Quality Initiative on Leadership Development and co-chairs the CU system Strategic Planning Committee. 

My areas of focus are inspired by my unique background as a Cuban-Jewish American, a religious minority, an LGBTQ+ person and by my twelve years as a civilian faculty member serving at West Point,” they said. “I began teaching at West Point only a few months after 9/11, serving my entire tenure in the Department of Foreign Languages during wartime. As a result of these experiences, I constantly ask: How do we find common ground for the greater global and local good with people of different perspectives? Additionally, what are the skills, behaviors and competencies needed to successfully lead positive change in collaboration with those from different backgrounds? The exploration of these questions shapes my vision for the future of our academic and research programs at UCCS: to continue developing curious, innovative, adaptable, and purpose-driven individuals while advancing cutting-edge ideas through research and creative scholarship. My aim is to create a legacy of continuous improvement, empowering others to lead positive change for the greater global and local good.” 

In the coming year, Lynn is looking forward to contributing to the campus’s leadership stability by filling the dean positions, working to establish a faculty affairs office and supporting faculty in their research and creative endeavors. 

Martin Wood | Senior Vice Chancellor of University Advancement

Martin Wood

Martin Wood (he/him) serves as the Senior Vice Chancellor of University Advancement and has been serving on the ELT for over 30 years. His role involves leading the university’s outreach, service and partnership initiatives through community relations, fundraising, marketing, communications, engagement and events. Martin oversees Alumni and Donor Engagement, Development, University Marketing, University Communications and Media Relations, Brand and Design and Video Productions. 

“Partnering with our community is at the core of who we are at the university,” he said. “We have been able to advance the university in so many ways because of the world-class relationships we have developed throughout the Pikes Peak region. We have community partners in the arts, nonprofits, military, tech industry, cyber, real estate, local, state and federal government, education, and so many more doing win-win work for our campus and community.” 

Recent accomplishments during Martin’s tenure include the Hybl Center partnership with CommonSpirit, made possible by the City for Champions initiative, as well as a new partnership with the College of Business, Weidner Apartment Homes and the Norwood Development Group, which creates a new academic offering in property management and real estate and jumpstarts an expansion of our downtown space. Martin’s teams have also raised $317 million during that time, including over 20 multi-million-dollar gifts and 14 named buildings. On average, Martin’s teams raise $6 million each year for scholarships alone. 

“I’m excited about everything we do,” he said. “The fundraising to reach our goals and create additional financial support for our campus, the student recruitment marketing campaign to help bring in enrollment, the exciting possibilities around public-private partnerships…all of it is vital to the university’s future.” 

Stephanie Hanenberg | Interim Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs

Stephanie Hanenberg

Stephanie Hanenberg (she/her) will continue to serve as Interim Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. As she frequently states, her role is “dedicated to supporting every student, every day.”  

Stephanie oversees departments ranging from Academic Advising, Admissions, Athletics, Campus Recreation, the Career Center, Disability Services and University Testing, Financial Aid, and Health, Mental Health and Wellness Services to MOSAIC, the Office of the Dean of Students, Office of the Registrar, Orientation and New Student Outreach, Pre-Collegiate Support and Success Center, Residence Life, Student Employment, Student Government Association, Student Life and Leadership, UCCS Online Marketing & Recruitment, and the Veteran and Military Affairs program. 

“As a parent of two college graduates, one of whom is also a UCCS alum, I am reminded daily of the profound impact that support and guidance can have on a student’s success,” she said. “This drives me to keep the well-being and success of our students at the forefront of every decision I make, knowing that the support we provide is critical to their future achievements.” 

A proud two-time alum of Beth-El and UCCS, a first-generation college graduate, and a native of Colorado Springs, Stephanie is deeply passionate about supporting UCCS students.  

“The most rewarding part of my time at UCCS has been the opportunity to work closely with students—whether through my role at the Wellness Center, teaching first-year students in the GPS program, interactions through advisory boards, or mentoring student employees,” she said. “These experiences have allowed me to witness firsthand the challenges and triumphs that shape our students’ journeys.” 

“I believe that our university’s diverse community is what truly sets us apart, and it has been an honor to contribute to it in various ways,” she said. “My grandfather was from Mexico and gained United States citizenship before joining the army and going to fight in WWII, where he met my grandmother in Belgium. Her brother was captured and put in a concentration camp, so she began running notes for the French Resistance which is how they met. They moved from Belgium to Germany, so my mother did not come to the United States until she was five years old. I wouldn’t be here today without my own diverse background, which is just one of the reasons I am passionate about working with our diverse student population.” 

In the coming year, Stephanie and her team will host leadership from multiple colleges within the Colorado Community College System to expand our partnerships related to transfer students. She and her team will also work closely with Peak Education to enroll more students from their program, and plan to launch AI technology to enhance outreach to prospective students and provide support of current students. The division’s biggest project for the coming year will be the launch of our Strategic Enrollment Plan that focuses on five strategic imperatives tied to the UCCS Success 2030 Strategic Plan. Implementation of this plan relies on campus-wide adoption, data informed decision-making, and our capacity to implement rapid change.  

Kathy Kaoudis | Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

Kathy Kaoudis

Kathy Kaoudis (she/her) serves as the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance and is responsible for overseeing, maintaining and enhancing the university’s overall financial health, as well as aligning the allocation of resources with the university’s strategic priorities in collaboration with ELT and other key stakeholders on the campus.  

Kathy intentionally chose the higher education sector because she wants to positively impact students, transform their lives, those of their families, and the greater community. “As a history faculty member and later Chair and Dean in the College of Education at Nevada Southern University (now UNLV), my father instilled in me a deep appreciation for the impact an investment of time in another person can make. Growing up on a ranch in rural Nebraska, my father did not learn to read until sixth grade and then only because a teacher took a personal interest. He went on to work as a high school teacher and later earned a doctoral degree. That single individual changed my dad’s life forever and of course that of my entire family and our community. We can make that impact every day, whether we teach, work directly with students in research or other areas, or simply provide the best environment we can for each faculty and staff member to help each student find their own success. Our impact changes lives.” 

Kathy oversees the Offices of Student Financial Services, Controller, Human Resources, Public Safety, Facilities, Capital Planning and Construction, Parking and Transportation, Campus Sustainability, Campus Planning, Campus Policy, Budget and Planning, Campus Compliance, Information Technology, Institutional Research, the Project Management Office, and many Auxiliary functions on campus. In the past, she has also taught as an adjunct lecturer and hopes to be able to restart that work sometime in the future. 

In addition to her CPA license, she also holds a juris doctor degree and law license, something she considers “a key component of success in this role. It allows for a more holistic and nuanced approach to the administrative and financial responsibilities in this role, while also providing the tools to address complex legal, financial and operational issues,” she said.  Kathy has spent over three decades analyzing and implementing collaborative solutions to complex financial and operational issues, including two decades in higher education in Colorado.  

In her short time at UCCS, she created a transparent and accessible budget process to intentionally leverage campus stakeholder knowledge and create the best solutions possible in a challenging budget environment. At the same time, her teams continue to scrutinize administrative and operational processes and implement solutions such as cutting the time to hire in half, establishing a project management office, and working to establish new processes around data, grants accounting, and data validation and reporting. Her vision is to create an efficient administrative and operational framework that allows faculty and staff to focus their energies on their areas of expertise, without unnecessary red-tape or roadblocks. That of course includes fiscal sustainability, a thoughtfully designed, safe and beautiful campus environment, and the infrastructure needed to ensure student success.  

In the coming year, Kathy and her team have a lot to look forward to, including one project Kathy is particularly enthusiastic about. 

“I am extremely excited about the customer service excellence project we are launching in March,” said Kathy. “This transformative project will provide a training foundation for staff to provide comprehensive customer service to students, faculty, staff, prospective students, parents, and alumni based on a foundation of respect and empathy, clear communication, timeliness and responsiveness, and a professional and accountable solutions-oriented framework.” 

Robin Parent | Vice Chancellor of Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff

Robin Parent

Robin Parent (she/her) will serve as the university’s inaugural Vice Chancellor of Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff. Her role has a dual focus on both advancing the university’s strategic goals and providing high-level support to the Chancellor, thereby ensuring a cohesive and inclusive vision across the institution. It combines leadership in fostering a strong community culture with the responsibility of driving operational excellence and change management.  

“This role is unique, which is something that attracted me in the first place,” she said. ” The blending of leadership and strategic planning with an ethos of culture and belonging elevates the values of inclusive excellence at the university.”  

Robin brings over two decades of experience in higher-education leadership to the position, with a strong focus on inclusive strategic planning, systemic change and fostering diverse coalitions, as well as a diverse background in faculty development, student engagement and curriculum innovation. She is deeply passionate about student success whether it is serving as an advisor for a multicultural sorority, leading a group of students on an alternative spring break trip to do community service in Cuba, supporting undergraduate and graduate student researchers in publishing and presenting, or through her teaching and advising. She is always looking for ways to improve the student experience and support individuals in the pursuit of success and excellence.  

“I’ve had the opportunity to live in many different locations, both in the U.S. and abroad, including while growing up,” she said. “Living and learning about new cultures, beliefs and geographies has always appealed to me. I’ve experienced how my differences have been accepted or not accepted, and I’ve been blessed to have many very positive experiences. I believe that these experiences have shaped how I see and engage with the world and have helped me to craft a lens of inclusion and belonging that guides my work.” 

“I’m looking forward to getting to know the UCCS community and to being a part of leading and fostering transformative change that benefits the university and its future. On a more personal level, I’m looking forward to experiencing the great Colorado Springs outdoors (including acclimatizing to the altitude!) and being closer to family and friends.” 

Amanda Hull | Managing Associate University Counsel

Amanda “Mandy” Hull

Amanda “Mandy” Hull (she/her) serves as the Managing Associate University Counsel. Her role supports the business initiatives of campus constituents, working to help accomplish goals in a legally defensible way.  

Her team structures business relationships with outside entities; reviews contracts; consults on employment matters; and works with OSPRI, OIE, HR, Dean of Students Office, Disability Services, and Academic Affairs, as well as individual members of the campus community, who are working on research, teaching, community service and other initiatives to support student learning and success. 

“Being part of ELT allows counsel’s office to engage in creative problem-solving when issues arise that may impact our community,” she said. “When we are involved in the strategy and discussions on the front end, we have a better understanding of our client’s goals so we can help chart a legally defensible path forward.” 

This year, Mandy and her team are looking forward to watching all of the new projects on campus unfold, as well as continuing to invest in their relationships with those on campus.  

“You don’t have to wait until you have a problem to come see us – feel free to stop by for a cup of coffee when you’re in Main Hall!”