UCCS offers options, guidelines for making 2024 year-end gifts

The sun sets over the Rocky Mountains and shines over the UCCS campus. Photo credit: Jeffrey M Foster

As 2024 comes to a close, UCCS Development provides multiple options for donors who plan to make year-end contributions. Thank you in advance for helping donors have confidence in giving to UCCS by being aware of the many gift options to meet year-end tax deadlines. The IRS has very specific gift processing deadlines and we appreciate your assistance in helping ensure donor expectations are met through timely processing.

Further details below.

End of year giving options:

  • Online: For donors who want to receive a charitable gift receipt for 2024, we encourage donors to make an online donation at giving.cu.edu before 11:59 p.m. MST Dec. 31. Online is the preferred way for donors to make a year-end gift after Dec. 20.

  • In person: Development staff will process gifts normally through Dec. 20, the last day the UCCS campus is open. After Dec. 20, please call 719-255-5101 to schedule a pick-up of checks by a Development team member.

  • By phone: Call the CU Foundation Gifts and Records Hotline at (303) 541-1290 before 5 p.m. MST Dec. 31. Please utilize online or mail options if you are interested in making a gift that may qualify for IRS charitable deduction.

  • By check: Gifts sent by mail need to have a legible 2024 postmark date from the United States Postal Service. The CU Foundation recommends putting the envelope in the mail no later than Dec. 26. UCCS and the IRS can’t use the date on the check when determining 2024 gifts, only the legible USPS postmark date on the envelope. FedEx etc. shipping dates are not accepted by the IRS, only the US Postal Service mark.

Other resources:

  • The CU Foundation provides additional information for gifts made through an IRA and through a transfer of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other marketable securities. Visit giving.cu.edu/making-your-end-year-gift for additional information. Many financial institutions have limited holiday service hours. Please contact your financial institution no later than Dec. 10 if you plan to make a transfer of funds before Dec. 31.

Special instructions to campus partners who receive gifts via mail December – February 1, 2025:

  • All campus employees who receive checks mailed to their office should forward all materials, including all envelopes the check(s) arrived in, to UCCS Development in Main Hall Suite 301 no later than Dec. 20, regardless of postmark date, taking good care not to mutilate the postmark. Gift Management must retain these envelopes to help address any questions or concerns on the receipt date.

  • If you or your office receives a donor gift between Dec. 20 and Dec. 31, please email [email protected] for special handling.

  • After the start of the new year, continue to provide UCCS Development with all materials that were sent with the check, including the envelope the check arrived in, through February 1, 2025.

Resources for all employees:

  • At all times, employees should forward gifts to UCCS Development or Student Financial Services on the same day or next business day to ensure timely processing.

  • Employees must never give anything that could resemble tax advice. The donor is responsible for making those decisions with their financial advisor.

  • Employees are encouraged to change their outgoing voicemail and out-of-office replies to help direct donors to giving.cu.edu for online gifts by 11:59 p.m. MST Dec. 31.

  • Almost all charitable donations to UCCS should be deposited and receipted through the CU Foundation, even if the check is made out to a UCCS entity. The Board of Regents Policy 13.f directs that all charitable donations (with a few rare exceptions) that are intended to support CU and UCCS be deposited through the Foundation.

Questions? Contact the UCCS Development Office by phone at 719-255-5101 or email [email protected].