Get to know the Textbook Affordability and Access Program

With the fall semester upon us, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Textbook Affordability and Access Program (TAAP).

About TAAP

TAAP consists of a $25 flat charge per credit hour placed on student accounts and provides all required course materials regardless of major. Every semester, students are automatically enrolled in TAAP and each student has a Personalized Value Sheet within their portal. They then can make an informed decision to keep their membership or to TAAP out.

Personalized Value Sheet

It’s highly encouraged for students to review the Personalized Value Sheet (PVS) in their portal, which compares the TAAP membership charge against market value pricing. Each class requires specific course materials, which influences the benefits of TAAP. The PVS is dynamic and updates accordingly as credit hours and required course materials are updated and students add and drop courses. If you’re having trouble navigating your portal and accessing your PSV, refer to this instructional video.

Opting Out

Participation in TAAP is entirely optional, and students are encouraged to review their Personalized Value Sheet to weigh the financial aspect of TAAP. If the membership benefits do not benefit you as a student, you can TAAP out through your portal.

Important upcoming TAAP dates:
September 12: Deadline for opting out of TAAP or opting back into your membership.
September 27: Last day to pick up TAAP materials.

If you have further questions about TAAP and how the program works, reach out to the UCCS Campus Store and check the TAAP FAQs.