Clyde’s Kudos are a Staff Association initiative celebrated each month on Communique. Nominations are also recognized through a variety of forums including the Staff Association website, the Staff Association newsletter, event shout-outs, handwritten cards and other methods of distribution.
Clyde’s Kudos: April 2024
Jennifer Biga | Molly Carmell | Jessica Newman | Margie Oldham | Jeni Spice | AJ Vafiades
To: Jennifer Biga
From: Ann Amicucci
I hired a student employee for the first time this semester, and Jennifer has gone above and beyond in helping me with several student employment processes. In particular, she was incredibly helpful as I navigated the process of requesting a change in compensation for this student employee and when we had to switch payment between speedtypes. Thank you, Jennifer, for always being willing to help and answer questions!
To: Molly Carmell
From: Ashley DeLoach
She has gone above and beyond with creating campus connections with underserved youth.
To: Jessica Newman
From: Selina Jacobs
She has made a phenomenal impact on the engagement of our military and veterans affairs office. She is always out in the community or campus, engaging with students. She has spearheaded for 2 straight years our “veterans week” on campus with great activities to celebrate the veteran community at UCCS. She always goes above and beyond with getting student engaged on campus.
To: Margie Oldham
From: English Department
Margie has gone above and beyond in helping our department organize student events this year! Most recently, she offered extensive guidance as we planned our first English Majors Fair. Margie is a guru with such a wealth of expertise, and we are grateful to have her help on this and other events.
To: Jeni Spice
From: Ann Amicucci
Jeni went above and beyond by hosting our English Majors Fair at the T. Rowe Price Career and Innovation Center! Thank you, Jeni, for brainstorming and helping us plan this event, for helping us set up the space to be welcoming to students, and for tabling at the event and having so many valuable conversations with students. We can’t wait to come back next year!
To: AJ Vafiades
From: Ann Amicucci
AJ stepped in to help while our program assistant was on leave. I am so grateful to her for answering an assortment of questions and helping in our planning for the English Majors Fair. Thank you, AJ, for all that you’ve done to support English this month!
Want to celebrate your staff colleagues? Submit kudos anytime through the Staff Association website. Communique publishes Clyde’s Kudos each month.