With scholarships and student programs in mind, the spring UCCS Class of 2024 has donated almost $6,600 to the annual class gift so far.
Created by the Class of 2015, the annual gift has raised over $90,000 to support UCCS scholarships and vital programs. The class gift program helps students to see their legacy and collective impact on future generations at UCCS.
Members of the Class of 2024 are encouraged to designate gifts to the Bridge Forward Scholarship, the HEROES Scholarship, the MOSAIC Scholarship (Multicultural Office for Student Access, Inclusiveness & Community) or a scholarship fund in their college, although gifts to any fund are accepted. So far, 217 students from the May 2024 graduates have contributed to the gift for a total of $6,596.
Graduates who give at least $25 receive a blue cord as a memento to wear during Commencement. The Class of 2024 is invited to donate to the Clyde’s Crowd platform through the month of December.