Clyde’s Kudos are a Staff Association initiative celebrated each month on Communique. Nominations are also recognized through a variety of forums including the Staff Association website, the Staff Association newsletter, event shout-outs, handwritten cards and other methods of distribution.
Clyde’s Kudos: November 2023
Alumni and Annual Giving Team | Catering and Events Services | First Generation Planning Team | Jeff Deickman & VMA Team | The Advising Team | Tristan Ritter and Danny Marines | VMA Team | Whitley Hadley, Rafael Norwood, Xuan Truong, and Ale Ruiz
AJ Vafiades | Ale Ruiz | Amanda Allee | Amy Sayer | Angela Storck | Benek Altayli | Brie Escobedo | Carissa Kepner | Catherine Barrios-Persall | Danielle Wright Johns | Heather Allen | Jonathon DeWitt X2 | Konrad Schlarbaum | Nancy Deater | Peggy Wallace | Rafael Norwood | Sarah Fillman | Sarah Hutton | Stephen Cucchiara | Tylor Teel | Whitley Hadley
To: Alumni and Annual Giving Team
From: Corrie West
This team is being recognized for their efforts in setting up all things related to Giving Tuesday. There is a lot of detailed work and incredible collaboration that goes into presenting the amazing funds & activities that are featured during this day! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Go Mountain Lions!
To: Catering and Events Services
From: Heather Allen
I wanted to give a HUGE shout-out to Catering and the Events Services teams. My events count has grown tremendously this past semester, and everyone has been amazing to work with. THANK YOU for your help, hard work, and patience with last minute bookings/caterings. Appreciate you all!
To: First Generation Planning Team
From: Kimberly Guyer
Jonathon DeWitt, Ashley San Miguel, Ale Ruiz, Xuan Truong, Whitley Hadley, Catherine Barrios, Phillip Haisley, Nancy Hernandez, Jessi Smith, Sandy Ho, David Ruiz, Alex Magallanes, Stefanie Nava Rumbo, Kira Davis, and Kane Ruiz
Thank you to all of you for your work in planning, organizing, hosting, and participating in a variety of events and activities during our first, full, First-Generation College Student Week at UCCS! Previously, we’ve held events to celebrate but not for a full week. It was a fun, engaging, and celebratory week in honor of our first-generation college students. We appreciate all you do!
To: Jeff Deickman & VMA Team
From: Nick Lockwood
Jeff and the VMA team have been wonderful partners in supporting the Veteran & Military affiliated Orientations. Thank you for dedicating much of your Tuesdays presenting, supporting evening webinars, and enthusiasm welcoming new students and their families to UCCS. We are super grateful for your support!
To: The Advising Team
From: Kimberly Guyer
Brett Fugate, Sarah Annis, Kyle Barrett, Amanda Garcia, David Neis, Archie Carreon, Lauren Rundell, Kerisa Brown, Kimberly Knourek, Kreg Abshire, Natalie Porter, Grace Srichantra, Kim Dyer, Daniel Kirby, Brian Mann, Karla Arzuza, Paige Koster, Greg Singer, Valerie McClinton, Syndee Garland, Jessica Woods, Heather Gardner, Shanna McCown, Erin Mitchler, Sarah Stoltz, and Yvonne Weeres
Thank you to the academic advisors for all you do, especially during this busy registration time. We appreciate all you do to help our students get registered correctly and to set them up for future success. Thank you to Sarah and Yvonne for all you do, especially to make the advisors’ lives easier during this busy time. We appreciate you!
To: Tristan Ritter and Danny Marines
From: Anon.
I wanted to take a moment to give a huge ‘shout out’ to Tristan and Danny. I’ve recently experienced a couple of department shipments that were incorrectly shipped , and both have gone the extra mile in assisting me with picking up the packages and getting them to the correct place. Tristan is always smiling and seems to truly care about his job, I have never sensed any frustration and he is always highly positive ready to go the extra mile. He has always graciously lended extra hands where need with no complaining, his good attitude shows to all. Just wanted to make sure you were aware of his hard work and going above and beyond. The same goes for Danny – a very nice, knowledgeable employee who has also helped me greatly! Danny is very quick and thorough and on the ball with completing his duties quickly. These 2 employees have demonstrated excellence in their fields!
To: VMA Team
From: Kimberly Guyer
Crista Hill, Jeff Deickman, Ty Upshaw, Jessica Newman, Selina Jacobs, Joneila Henselman, Maria Colon, Ally Middleton, Morgan Villarreal, Eric Wildenstein, Tyrese Tolbert, Kang Shak, Jeremy Reinstein, Tristan Carrillo, Cory Parraz, Aleah Ellis, Anders Frey, Ashley Hoff, David McConnaughey, Jasmin Rodriguez, Jimmy Calhoun, Mike Sinicropi, Cianna Angel, and Amy Chen
Thank you to the VMA team (staff and student staff) for all your work in planning, organizing, hosting, and participating in a fantastic Veterans Week! A special thanks to Jessica who was the lead on the week’s events and activities. Thanks also to all who partnered, participated, and contributed to the week’s success. And a big kudos to Crista and Amy for their successful presentation to the Board of Regents that week as well. We appreciate all you do!
To: Whitley Hadley, Rafael Norwood, Xuan Truong, and Ale Ruiz
From: Kimberly Guyer
Kudos to the MOSAIC & LGBTQ+ Resource Center team who planned a fantastic MOSAIC 20th anniversary celebration. A great time was had by all in honor of 20 years of MOSAIC. Thank you for all you do! I also want to thank all the other individuals and departments who were involved in making this event such a success (but I am not naming them so as not to leave anyone out).
To: AJ Vafiades
From: Kim Uhl
I started employment at UCCS in September and AJ has been my HR contact from Day 1. She was exceptionally helpful with all of the paperwork and details before I started. And I feel fortunate that she works in my department (LAS) because even now she continues to answer newbie questions for me with regards to set up and access and she is always so pleasant and professional. She has made my start here a very positive experience and I am very thankful for all she does.
To: Ale Ruiz
From: Xuan Truong
Ale has been working hard for UCCS for 8 years starting off a student staff member for MOSAIC during former Director Anthony Cordova’s time and now as the MOSAIC Coordinator under Director Whitley Hadley. While juggling her masters, she is also the liaison for UCCS’ undocumented students and the cultural organizations. Despite so many responsibilities in such a sensitive position, she manages to perform with grace, care, and honor, especially to her own capabilities and mental health. It is a pleasure to work with her here at MOSAIC.
To: Amanda Allee
From: Crista Hill
Amanda continuously kept me updated on the status of a student employee who was in the hospital for an extended period of time after an accident. She checked on my team, and me, to ensure we were all doing ok. She even stopped by with donuts for the team one morning to boost spirits. Amanda and her team continue to support the student and their family in every way possible. Thank you, Amanda!
To: Amy Sayer
From: Anon.
Amy has worked hard as a new employee to learn her job and she’s doing it very well. I am happy to have her on our team where she is making a difference.
To: Angela Storck
From: Anon.
Is a very patient individual and is willing to help on any project no matter how busy she is.
To: Benek Altayli
From: Crista Hill
Benek brought lunch to my staff and student employees who were all gathered at the hospital after another student employee was in a terrible accident. In times of crisis, we don’t always know what we need. Benek uncovered a need and dropped everything to take care of it. She continued to check on my team, and me, and was available for whatever else might come up. Thank you, Benek!
To: Brie Escobedo
From: Kimberly Guyer
Kudos to Brie for taking on the role of Interim Chair of the Student Affairs Professional Development Committee. You have done a great job organizing the committee and organized a wonderful professional development event in November all while organizing fairs and developing a Pathway in Careers for each grade level. Thanks for all you do!
To: Carissa Kepner
From: Jevita Rogers
Carissa has been taking on so much with the UCCS Strategic Enrollment Plan Steering Committee as a project manager for that on top of her regular duties and has been integral in keeping things on track and organized. Really have appreciated all her hard work with everything but this assignment is HUGE and she is doing so many great things
To: Catherine Barrios-Persall
From: Kimberly Guyer
Kudos to Catherine who works hard to collaborate with many departments working on DEI initiatives. The recent DEI networking event is a great example of her efforts to advance DEI. Thanks for all you do!
To: Danielle Wright Johns
From: Jenifer Furda
At 6am I was with Danielle and Jeremy working the Board of Regents breakfast. They were PHENOMINAL! They both had a smile on their face and just ready to help. I then saw both of them at 6pm that same night for the Regent reception…yep-smile was still there, and they were AWESOME!!
To: Heather Allen
From: Crista Hill
Heather stepped in and covered the front desk of the Student Veteran Center to allow the staff and student employees to be at the hospital with a fellow student employee who had just been in a terrible accident. I didn’t ask or even suggest it to her – she just said, “I will come over so you all can be there.” I am grateful for her warm heart and her ability to know what is needed without asking.
To: Jon DeWitt
From: Ellen Burkart
I wanted to give a shout out to Jon DeWitt for supporting our office and our team while I have been out of the office on intermittent FMLA. Jon has been so understanding of my situation and has been so willing to make sure that everyone that we work with or partner with is feeling supported and that things are not falling between the cracks. I appreciate all of the extra time that he has put in to responding to colleagues, checking in with our team, and connecting with me. Thank you, Jon!
To: Jonathon DeWitt
From: Kimberly Guyer
Jon has been going above and beyond in support of his director’s need to be in and out of the office due to intermittent FMLA. He is present to cover the office, as needed, when the director needs to be out. He steps up to help, when needed, and we greatly appreciate all that he does for our students, staff, and Division of Student Affairs. We’re thankful to have him on the team!
To: Konrad Schlarbaum
From: Polly Knutson
A big shoutout to Konrad and his team in sustainability for the amazing work they did on the CU President’s Sustainabile Solutions Challenge. The work that sustainability did to support students who participated in the challenge gave them vauble skills that they can take with them for a life time.
To: Nancy Deater
From: Polly Knutson
Nancy has gone above and beyond performing multiple job duties while always keeping a positive and fun perspective. Thank you Nancy for making UCCS better every day.
To: Catherine Barrios-Persall
From: Kimberly Guyer
Kudos to Catherine who works hard to collaborate with many departments working on DEI initiatives. The recent DEI networking event is a great example of her efforts to advance DEI. Thanks for all you do!
To: Peggy Wallace
From: Anon.
Peggy is an incredible university supervisor who goes above and beyond with students to support them in their educational endeavors! She is well organized and eager to contribute to student learning which shows in the growth that her students make. Peggy is a huge asset to the IECE team and I so appreciate her as a colleague.
To: Rafael Norwood
From: Xuan Truong
Rafael is perhaps the most kindest, caring individual I have ever met and worked with. Having started with UCCS a year ago as the LGBTQ+ Coordinator, his impact with UCCS and Colorado Springs’ LGBTQ+ organizations is immeasurably having educated and trained many people, workplaces, and schools in sexual awareness and gender knowledge that is often not readily available in public access. Besides education, he is also a very a dedicated leader in helping promote and retain LGBTQ programming across the board. It is an honor to work with him.
To: Sarah Fillman
From: Kimberly Guyer
Sarah developed a DEI pre-health scholarship program to include mentorship from local heath care employers with one-on-one support from her. Roll out will be next semester. She has also been instrumental in creating the First-Destination Survey to collect information about our recent graduates. Thanks for all you do!
To: Sarah Hutton
From: Fernando Feliu-Moggi
Sarah consistently goes out of her way to help faculty in the Department. During the Fall Semester, during a very difficult time in the Department, she took on extra work and responsibilities to help us all out. She is always kind and efficient, a model of leadership and efficiency.
To: Stephen Cucchiara
From: Carissa Kepner
For helping me get in contact with different student organizations and people around campus to just helping me find a coaster for my desk :) Thank you so much for working with me and your patience with me learning the ropes here at UCCS!
To: Tylor Teel
From: Markus M-C
Tylor has been new to our department this year and has jumped right in! He has been quick to learn the ins and outs of the job and supports faculty very effectively and efficiently. He has been a positive energy to our growing team.
To: Whitley Hadley
From: Xuan Truong
There is no better leader I have known that Whitley Hadley. They are immensely kind, caring, dedicated, and just a great captain to sail any ship with. Whitley’s contributions to UCCS goes as far back as their bachelor years with the school in 2009. Now as the Director for MOSAIC, they have consistently led this department with grace and energy, having supported and spearheaded numerous of collaborative programs and projects between MOSAIC and other departments, and managed to cultivate such a loving, loyal, and incredibly healthy work environment here in MOSAIC. Both student and full time staff adore and admire Whitley’s leadership and we would not be this strong without our good captain.
Want to celebrate your staff colleagues? Submit kudos anytime through the Staff Association website. Communique publishes Clyde’s Kudos each month.