Fall Class of 2022 donates more than $3,800 for scholarship funds

UCCS Class Gift graphic

With student services and scholarships in mind, graduates of the fall UCCS Class of 2022 have donated more than $3,800 to the annual class gift.

Created by the Class of 2015, the annual gift has raised over $75,000 to support UCCS scholarships and vital programs. The goal for seniors and graduate students is both engagement and to “pay it forward” for the next generation of UCCS students.

Members of the Class of 2022 are encouraged to designate gifts to Clyde’s Cupboard Food Pantry, the Multicultural Office for Student Access, Inclusiveness & Community (M.O.S.A.I.C.), the Bridge Forward Scholarship or a scholarship fund in their college, although gifts to any fund are accepted. So far, 142 students from the December 2022 graduates have contributed to the gift.

Graduates who gave at least $25 received a blue cord as a memento to wear during Commencement.

Fall graduates also included over 40 legacy students, who are descendants of UCCS graduates and who traditionally wear black and gold cords.

The Class of 2022 is invited to donate to the Clyde’s Crowd platform.

About the UCCS Fall 2022 Commencement Ceremonies

The UCCS fall 2022 Commencement ceremonies celebrated degrees conferred to 600 graduates. More than 600 attended the morning and afternoon ceremonies at the Broadmoor World Arena on Dec. 16, 2022, along with family and friends. See the full Commencement program online. View the livestreamed ceremony on YouTube.