Online student enrollment team builds steam

Over the summer, as the Office of Digital Education at the system level was discontinued, UCCS created Online Operations as a new campus-based unit with a focus on growing online enrollments, expanding the number of programs offered, building support systems for remote students, and increasing hybrid course options. The unit currently reports to Assistant Vice Chancellor Harper Johnson, with an expectation to move under Enrollment Management once the new Vice Chancellor starts.

Online Operations currently has four staff supporting online recruitment and student-focused efforts:

  • Nathan Bullock, Ed.D., Executive Director
  • Patty Godbey, Associate Director for the Online Student Experience
  • Kayla Warrens, Senior Transfer Navigator
  • Erica Steinberg, Online Enrollment Navigator

Searches are underway for instructional design staff to support overall online program development, an online program coordinator to support online student success and retention efforts, and a marketing coordinator to oversee online websites, online student communications, and digital marketing.

The Online Operations unit currently supports enrollment efforts for the RN to BSN program, and the launch of a BS in Business is underway for Spring 2022. Additionally, external vendor contracts supporting online student mental health support, 24/7 online tutoring, call center operations, and similar functions are being transitioned from the system to campus-level.

Online Operations has begun regular meetings with key staff partners in Nursing and Business to optimize student recruitment and support and is working with Academic Lead for Online, Seth Porter, Dean of the Kramer Family Library, to create a governance structure for the online initiative.

“UCCS has a rich history of online education with competencies diffused throughout the university,” said Porter. “The addition of this unit and talented team will help our online programming scale and get to the next level of impact for academic programs.”

The Online unit has also begun to meet with key campus stakeholders to introduce themselves, discuss the online initiative, and begin planning for online student success efforts.

“We’re excited to partner with academic departments, colleges and schools, and student support units across campus to grow online programs and support online students as they pursue their degrees at UCCS,” said Nathan Bullock, Executive Director for Online Operations. “Studies show that the market for adult and online students is significant, and increasingly important as lifelong learning becomes the norm. This gives UCCS an opportunity to serve southern Colorado, active duty and former military students, and our region through high quality online programs that meet critical workforce needs.”