Clyde’s Kudos: January 2021

Clyde’s Kudos are celebrated each month on Communique. Nominations are also recognized through a variety of forums including the Staff Association website, the Staff Association newsletter, event shout-outs, handwritten cards and other methods of distribution.

Clyde’s Kudos: January 2021

Featured this month:


Bursar’s Office & Student Financial Services | Disability Services | OIT Zoom “Dream” Team | Student Affairs Financial Team | The Alumni & Annual Giving Team


Andrew Lane | Branden Williams | Charlie Kuehler | Claire Ami | Cody Ensanian | Crayton Daniels & Jacob Guilez | Debi O’Connor | Jeri Bonnes & Ali Langfels | Kayla Gronseth Boyer | Kylie Rossman | Lila Hajar | Liz Bunkers | Mark Belcher | Nicholas Martinez | Yvonne Weeres


To: Bursar’s Office & Student Financial Services
From: Rachel

I appreciate each and every one of you! It has been a challenging year but I know you have all done so much to keep our students going. I bet you all don’t get too much praise being the department behind bill notifications but please know that I admire all that you do!

To: Disability Services – Ida Dilwood, Rachel Gibson, Leyna Bencomo, Chris Johnson & Ryan Achor
From: Kathy Stetler

The entire team at Disability Services has such a genuine interest in supporting our students, faculty and staff. In addition, they have all been so welcoming and helpful to me. I feel very fortunate to be part of the team.

To: OIT Zoom “Dream Team”
From: Katie Parker

The beginning of each semester brings with it a large workload, but throw into the mix launching a new service in less than a week, and you get the OIT Zoom “Dream” Team!

This group of people helped provision, test and launch Zoom to campus so that students, faculty and staff could have the technology they need in time for the start of the semester. The team included 17 OIT staff members, plus Help Desk students that tested Zoom’s UCCS campus platform. Special thanks to Sarah Mensch who went ABOVE AND BEYOND to gather the team fast and effectively!

To: Student Affairs Financial Team – Charlie Kuehler, Ivy Ross, Matt Roesemann, Melissa Prinkey, Nancy Deater, Nha Tran & Sabrina Wienholtz
From: Tristy Hillestad

The Student Affairs Financial Team members supported the division through the departure of my predecessor the finance director, and the accounting manager which is currently vacant. They continue to assist the Student Affairs’ departments with their financial questions and complete financial activity to ensure the financials are on-track. They have been very welcoming to me in my first two months at UCCS. They quickly share processes and procedures and assist me with ad-hoc requests, while continuing to complete their duties. Their contribution and the welcoming environment they provide are greatly appreciated!

To: The Alumni & Annual Giving Team
From: Liz Bunkers

A big thank you and kudos to my team in the alumni office – Joanna Bean, Nicole Tugg, Amelia Loving, Kayla Gronseth Boyer and Lisa Bartholme! They have been a big support to me as I built out a new program for our office. I greatly appreciate all the time and feedback they gave as we prepared the platform. I am lucky to work on such a wonderful team, thank you all!


To: Andrew Lane
From: Deann Barrett

Andrew has come in and really moved HR forward with lots of trainings and putting processes in place to ensure UCCS staff and faculty are informed and doing what needs to be done with annual reviews. He has also been a huge resource with all of my questions regarding faculty and staff employment. I appreciate his great attitude and am so glad he joined the UCCS HR team!

To: Branden Williams
From: Rachel

Your resiliency is an inspiration!

To: Charlie Kuehler
From: Claire Ami

Charlie is a financial and budget guru and I am beyond thankful for all of the support, training and patience he has provided as I learn my new role in the EDI/Excel Centers. He truly does know EVERYTHING! Thanks!

To: Claire Ami
From: Danny Pape

Claire was just amazing in the transition to her new role on campus and went above and beyond to help the Career Center in that transition to make sure we kept some initiatives moving. She really didn’t have to do ANY of the additional work for her old office but did it with grace. I appreciate her and so glad UCCS is keeping this talented professional!

To: Cody Ensanian
From: Anon.

Cody has really stepped up in helping boosting OIT’s culture. He is willing to help plan fun virtual events, he checks in on other employees, he comes up with new and fresh ideas of how to get people involved virtually, and he is always positive! OIT would not be the same without him. Keep up the great work!

To: Crayton Daniels & Jacob Guilez
From: Jeff Foster

Appreciate these two being willing to go above and beyond, helping out with things outside their normal job duties. Thanks for your dedication and team spirit!

To: Debi O’Connor
From: Anon.

Debi’s dedication to keeping our campus safe, inclusive, and compliant is commendable. She is willing to step up and help anyone find an answer to whatever question they have. Her expertise and incredible work ethic are evident – she is the first to follow through, give feedback, jump on a call, and ask the hard questions. I am especially grateful for Debi’s contribution to our COVID-19 mitigation and planning efforts. Thank you Debi for all you do!

To: Jeri Bonnes & Ali Langfels
From: Beckie Pyles Muñoz

Thank you to Jeri for taking on the program assistant duties for my department while they were going through the hiring process. However, since I was hired in that role, Jeri has continued to assist me with processes while I have been waiting to get access to everything I need for the role! Jeri continues to jump in and help whenever I need assistance. I appreciate you!

Thank you to Ali for teaching me how to do job related tasks with such willingness and enthusiasm. You are amazing!

To: Kayla Gronseth Boyer
From: Liz Bunkers

If I could give her a dozen kudos I would! Kayla is a rock star on our team. She has been super flexible as we have put together e-comm messages this month for the launch of the volunteer program. THANK YOU!!

To: Kylie Rossman
From: Sarah Elsey

Kylie just started a new staff role in our office in December 2020! She has been a key player in getting the virtual Grad Slam 3MT competition off the ground this month and I cannot thank her enough for all her hard work.

To: Lila Hajar
From: Jessica George

In the time that the Pre-Collegiate Development Program has been working remotely, Lila has been the main organizer for two very successful all-day student employee trainings. I am appreciative of Lila’s creativity and care when thinking of practical virtual professional development opportunities for our student employees. Her efforts have increased student employee morale and career readiness during a difficult time. Thank you, Lila!

To: Liz Bunkers
From: Crayton Daniel

Kudos to Liz on rolling out a major project: the alumni volunteer hub. As a user on the platform, I can tell so much thought and detail went into putting this together. It’s seamless and easy to use! MAJOR KUDOS!

To: Liz Bunkers
From: Lisa B

For all her hard work to conceptualize and bring into reality a Volunteer Hub for UCCS alumni and friends. So much hard work and collaboration went into this project – Great Job Liz!

To: Liz Bunkers
From: Anna Squires

Congratulations to Liz on launching the new Alumni and Friends Volunteer Program!! This initiative has been such a labor of love and represents a huge step forward and makes it so much easier to make connections between UCCS, our alumni and our community. I’m so excited to see all of the serendipitous partnerships that will be made possible by this new program.

To: Mark Belcher
From: Alumni & Friends Office

Thanks Mark for all your wonderful work to help us build a new feature on our alumni webpage to help support campus partners in connecting with our office. Mark does a great job making our vision come to life and offering his expertise, thanks so much Mark!

To: Nicholas Martinez
From: Natalie Skaggs

In March 2020 we found ourselves in the infancy of a pandemic. Parking Services had to process multiple refunds to faculty, staff and students and in a timely manner. Nick not only assisted us in accurately calculating prorated refunds for multiple permit types and amounts but also assisted us in working with Wells Fargo, Student Financial and our online vendor to process refunds. He again assisted us in the fall when we had to provide prorated refunds. These are only two recent examples out of many of Nick assisting our department. He is always available for questions and concerns as we shifted towards updating our processes while navigating these uncertain times. He continuously provides opportunities for my personal professional development. His professionalism and expertise adds value to our department plus his assistance helps us provide strong customer service to the UCCS community. We are truly thankful for his position and knowledge.

To: Yvonne Weeres
From: Claire Ami

Thank you for being my mentor and go to as I learn my new position in the EDI/Excel Centers on campus! Yvonne is a rock star in the HR world and I’m sending her a big shout out!

Want to celebrate your colleagues? Submit kudos anytime through the Staff Association website. Communique publishes Clyde’s Kudos on the first business day of each month.