30 join UCCS in August

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Thirty people started positions at UCCS in August 2020, according to the Office of Human Resources:

  • George Bayuga, instructor of anthropology, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Jessica Berrett, assistant professor of public administration, School of Public Affairs
  • Ryan Chacon, assistant professor of finance, College of Business
  • Michael Corl, assistant dean, College of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Helen Davies, assistant professor of English, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Nina Dulabaum, instructor of psychology, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Todd Endres, instructor of management and human resources, College of Business
  • Christopher Foley, senior instructor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Sean Forrest, instructor of film studies, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Willow Fox, talent acquisition coordinator, Office of Human Resources
  • Tom Francis, instructor of psychology, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Carolyn Gery, instructor, Bachelor of Innovation
  • Rachel Guardiola, instructor of visual arts, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Bridget Guerrero, program director of the Colorado Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program, College of Business
  • Dylan Harris, assistant professor of geography and environmental studies, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Shannon Johnson, assistant professor of social work, School of Public Affairs
  • Robin Kempf, assistant professor of public administration, School of Public Affairs
  • Kassy Lopez, instructor of teaching and learning, College of Education
  • Seth Lummus, instructor of human physiology and nutrition, Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences
  • Malikah Marrus, clinical assistant professor and Bachelor of Social Work field director, School of Public Affairs
  • Jordan Nikkel, instructor of mathematics, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Alfredo Palacios, assistant professor of counseling and human services, College of Education
  • Parul Patel, instructor of electrical and computer engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Jose Tapia-Fuselier, instructor of counseling and human services, College of Education
  • Nicholas Tapia-Fuselier, assistant professor of student affairs in higher education, College of Education
  • Julia Torres, assistant professor of women’s and ethnic studies, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Natalie Ilaheva Tuaone, assistant professor of women’s and ethnic studies, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Michelle West, communication program director, National Institute for Human Resilience