In Memory: Stephen Campbell
The UCCS community is mourning the loss of Stephen Campbell, a longtime member of the facilities team, after his unexpected passing earlier this month. (More)
The UCCS community is mourning the loss of Stephen Campbell, a longtime member of the facilities team, after his unexpected passing earlier this month. (More)
After – almost single-handedly – reviving UCCS Radio, Station Manager Caitlyn Branine and the program were recognized with two well-earned awards from the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System in early March. (More)
Students from the Johnson/Beth-El Nursing program Public Health course experienced a critical incident response to a bioterrorism attack through portraying injured patients. (More)
The Colorado Springs Venture Attractor welcomed its 2024 Cohort Four companies earlier this month. This year, eight companies have joined the Scale to $1M Boot-Up Camp. (More)
On Wednesday, February 21, Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade visited the scholars of the Chancellor’s Leadership Class. (More)
After a soft opening earlier this month, the Hybl Cafe is officially reopen for business. The cafe initially opened in the summer of 2020, then closed in 2021 and has not been open full-time since. (More)
Stop by the Graduation Fair at the UCCS Campus Store on April 3 and 4 to make sure you’re prepared for graduation! (More)
March is National Nutrition Month and is dedicated to the celebration of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and educating consumers about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating habits, which includes learning about food production and sustainability. (More)
In honor of National Athletic Training Month, Johnson Beth-El would like to recognize the frontline workers helping to keep our community and athletes healthy and in the game – athletic trainers. (More)
This year’s KPWE fundraiser and celebration will recognize the graduating KPWE scholars and honor Becky Medved as the 2024 Unstoppable Woman. (More)
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