Posts that include video content.

Virtual Studio Visit: Cymon Padilla

May 12, 2020

Cymon Padilla fuses disparate elements of contemporary visual culture in his paintings and drawings. Using traditional oil painting techniques, he combines, collapses, and remixes “the imitated world” onto the flat surface of the picture plane. (More)

Virtual Studio Visit: Matte Refic

May 12, 2020

Matte’s artistic practice includes large-scale murals, paintings, illustrations, videos, performance art. A major thread running through his work and life is community engagement and participation. (More)

Virtual studio visit: JD Sell

May 4, 2020

A UCCS alumnus, JD Sell has been on the Pikes Peak Arts Council board of directors, collaborated on the free form artist collective and meet-up called Nonbookclubcookclub, and exhibited in cities across Colorado. (More)

Virtual studio visit: Jeff Page

April 28, 2020

Jeff was recently featured in issue No. 111 of New American Paintings and was the UC Santa Barbara nominee for the 2015 Dedalus Foundation Masters of Fine Art Fellowship. (More)

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