Used for posts within the Department of Physics and Energy Science
UCCS sophomore Kaitlin McAllister was recently awarded the prestigious Barry Goldwater Scholarship, a preeminent undergraduate award in the fields of the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics. (More)
There is no simple way to sum up 2020 – but the top stories and most memorable photos from the last year paint a picture of resilience, perseverance and hope at UCCS. (More)
An all-female team of Colorado physicists, including former associate professor of physics Karen Livesey and UCCS alumna Alex Stuart ’19, recently published scientific research on the properties of magnetic domain walls. (More)
Twelve faculty received seed money for 11 unique projects in the 2020 Committee on Research and Creative Works grant awards. (More)
The county’s essential workers are benefiting from a novel design of 3D printed “mask-hooks”, which make 10-hour shifts in face masks more bearable. (More)
The CU Board of Regents approved semester and academic year sabbaticals for 29 UCCS faculty members for 2020-21 at a Feb. 13 meeting conducted at CU Denver. (More)
The challenge to condense a graduate thesis into three minutes, with the aid of only one slide, to a general population audience will be the task for six UCCS graduate students who advanced to the finals of the 2020 Mountain Lion Grad Slam. (More)
As we move into a new decade, we take a look back at some of the most memorable stories and moments from 2019. (More)
Jason Nobles, a doctoral student in applied sciences, won the Harry Lustig Award for his research work in liquid crystals Oct. 12 during the Four Corners Section annual meeting of the American Physical Society in Prescott, Arizona. (More)
More than 6,000 students and families will take part in more than 60 interactive exhibits at UCCS for the annual Colorado Springs Cool Science Festival Carnival Day Oct. 12. (More)