Used for posts within the Department of Economics

Inspired in Higher Ed podcast

April 29, 2024

With the many exciting and innovative projects and research happening all over campus, it can be difficult to keep up. Faculty members Hayley Blackburn, Ph.D., and Grant Clayton, Ph.D., are making it a little easier to stay informed with their podcast “Inspired in Higher Ed.” (More)

Regents approve 29 for sabbatical

February 13, 2020

The CU Board of Regents approved semester and academic year sabbaticals for 29 UCCS faculty members for 2020-21 at a Feb. 13 meeting conducted at CU Denver. (More)

The top 10 college football teams according to data science

November 4, 2019

The first ranking of the 2019 College Football Playoff will be announced at 7 p.m. MST Nov. 5 on ESPN, but a bespoke algorithm developed by Joe Craig of UCCS and Niven Winchester of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology takes its own look at who the top 10 college football teams are in the NCAA’s top division. (More)

Regents approve 26 for sabbatical

February 13, 2019

The CU Board of Regents approved semester and academic year sabbaticals for 26 UCCS faculty members for 2019-20 at a Feb. 13 meeting conducted at CU South Denver in Lone Tree. (More)

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