For posts referring to the Office of the Dean of Students
The generosity of the UCCS community in three different food drives resulted in more than 12,500 items of food that will be available for students in need at Clyde’s Cupboard. (More)
After successful efforts educating students on alcohol abuse and impaired driving, the Dean of Students Office will expand the #SmartMoveUCCS campaign to topics related to the overall well-being of students. (More)
The Dean of Students Office has partnered with Mothers Against Drunk Driving in raising $5,000 to help victims of impaired driving in El Paso County as part of a #SmartMoveUCCS social media campaign. (More)
Random Acts of Kindness Week returns to campus Feb. 12-16. (More)
A May 25 Professional Staff Association Spring Luncheon included longevity awards for more than 60 staff members employed for at least five years at UCCS or other CU campuses. (More)
The Dean of Students and Student Life Office are teaming up once again for Random Acts of Kindness Week, Feb. 13 – 17. “We are excited to spread positivity on campus, and hope this is (More)
UCCS staff didn’t just read names and steer students into line at spring graduation ceremonies May 13. At least nine staff members earned degrees and participated in ceremonies. (More)