Used for posts within the division of advancement

Clyde’s Kudos: May 2020

June 1, 2020

A staff member who lights up a room, a counselor who lent an empathetic ear and a volunteer who is helping to make UCCS more affordable for students: Communique celebrates 26 teams and individuals who received Clyde’s Kudos in May 2020. (More)

Virtual studio visit: JD Sell

May 4, 2020

A UCCS alumnus, JD Sell has been on the Pikes Peak Arts Council board of directors, collaborated on the free form artist collective and meet-up called Nonbookclubcookclub, and exhibited in cities across Colorado. (More)

Clyde’s Kudos: April 2020

May 1, 2020

Tech-savvy responses to COVID-19, a “can-do” spirit and a commitment to sharing good news: Communique celebrates nearly 40 teams and individuals who received Clyde’s Kudos in April 2020. (More)

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