Iryse Naro is used to giving not receiving.
But Naro, executive assistant, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, and an 11 year UCCS veteran, found herself receiving the appreciation of her colleagues April 4 when she received Employee of the Quarter honors for the first quarter of 2012.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Naro exclaimed as she walked into a Main Hall conference room to applause.

Naro previously served on the committee that selects Employee of the Quarter recipients. But she never expected her service on that committee – as well as service in a number of other areas – to be recognized. Winners of the Employee of the Quarter receive one day administrative leave, a $100 stipend, three months free, reserved campus parking and a certificate of recognition.
“Iryse does an amazing job fulfilling her duties in the VCAF Office and assisting as needs arise in other offices as well,” Debbie Lapioli, executive assistant, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, said. “People can rely on Iryse’s competent work and her willingness to research answers for various challenges or new issues.”
In addition to citing her work abilities, Lapioli lauded Naro’s service to the campus and community. For several years, Naro has co-chaired the Colorado Combined Campaign and helped increase contributions to local non-profit organizations. She is active with the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and Climb to Conquer Cancer efforts.
Naro joined UCCS in Oct. 2001 as an administrative assistant in the Department of Public Safety. She held administrative and accounting positions there until moving to her current position as executive assistant to Susan Szpyrka, senior associate vice chancellor, Administration and Finance, in July 2009.
“I am thankful that I work at UCCS and get to interact with such amazing people on a daily basis,” Naro said.

– Photos by Philip Denman, University Advancement
I am so happy for you!! I can’t think of a more deserving person for this award! You have always been there for me and anyone who needed a favor, shoulder, help for ANYTHING and most of all as a friend. Enjoy the attention you so deserve it!
Miss you,
Carla F