Nominations open for 2019 CU Innovation and Efficiency Awards

UCCS employees who have implemented systems that saved money and time, improved customer service or otherwise enhanced operations can submit their ideas for recognition in the 2019 CU Innovation and Efficiency Awards Program. The deadline is Feb. 28, 2019.

The grand prize, the University Controller’s Award for Excellence, is $1,500 for the top individual or team. Up to four additional prizes, the CU Innovation and Efficiency Awards, will include a $1,000 prize for the winning individual or team.

Awards are reviewed by the award program manager, and then submitted to the vetting committee of the University Controller, campus controllers and campus deputy controllers. All accepted projects are publicly posted on the CU Innovation and Efficiency Award website.

Semifinalists are selected and notified by March 19 for additional interviews, a remote question-and-answer session and will attend the systemwide Exposition and Awards Ceremony May 15. The vetting committee plus the senior vice president and chief of staff, director of the Office of Policy and Efficiency, and the senior associate vice president and chief business office will select the top prize winners.

UCCS projects earned three of the top five awards in the 2018 awards program. The new virtual parking permitting and enforcement system, a new method to process and pay utilities, and improved benefits processing for veteran and military students were recognized for their work to lower costs and improve workflows for employees and students.

To review previous submissions that were accepted into the awards program, visit

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