Sabrina Wienholtz, director of student clubs, organization and leadership, Student Life, will serve a two-year term on the regional board for NASPA – National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. She will be on the Region IV-West board as the representative for the Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Knowledge Community.
“I’m honored to join the board in this role and to continue address the needs of students at the regional level,” Wienholtz said. “I’m greatly appreciative of the support I’ve received from Student Life staff and the UCCS community as I prepare to serve in this new position for the next two years.”
Wienholtz will represent the region on the national Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Knowledge Community and grow the membership who affiliate with the knowledge community. She will work to develop a regional CLDE knowledge community leadership team to generate and share knowledge within the region, maintain regular communication with other knowledge community coordinators and representatives, participate in regional conference activities, serve on the regional advisory board, and contribute to monthly communications.
The region includes the states of New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota, and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Wienholtz has worked in the Department of Student Life and Leadership since 2007 and has served as the director of student clubs, organizations and leadership at UCCS since 2015. She oversees a variety of programs and services including Registered Clubs and Organizations, the Launching Integrity, Values and Excellence Leadership Program, the Student Government Association and the Student Media Advisory Board. Wienholtz is also co-chair of the Staff Association Employee of the Quarter committee and serves on the University Staff Pay and Benefits Committee.
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