Stephanie Hanenberg, executive director, Health and Wellness, will serve as president for the American College Health Association for the 2018-19 year. She began her term June 1 during the 2018 annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
“I am excited to take my passion for mental health issues, sexual and relationship violence prevention and care, and overall college health and wellness to a national level,” Hanenberg said. “There are so many initiatives that ACHA is working on and I am honored to be an active participant with them.”
Hanenberg was president-elect in 2017-18, vice president from 2015-17 and was initially elected to the ACHA Board of Directors in as the Region II representative for the 2013-15 term. As served as the board’s liaison to the Campus Safety and Violence Coalition and the Creating Guidance for Addressing Sexual Assault Task Force, which led to the toolkit “Addressing Sexual and Relationship Violence: A Trauma-Informed Approach” for colleges and universities. She was also a liaison to the Emerging Public Health Threats and Emergency Response Coalition, Advanced Practice Clinicians Section and Membership Task Force. Hanenberg was previously the president of the Rocky Mountain College Health Association Board of Directors.
At UCCS, Hanenberg is a past chair of the University of Colorado Staff Council and the UCCS Professional Exempt Staff Association before it merged to become the Staff Association. She was instrumental in the expansion of the Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center that created one of the first partnerships in the nation for physical health, mental health, recreation, nutrition and wellness into one building with a common mission and vision.
Hanenberg replaces Michael Huey, executive director of Student Health Services and assistant vice president, Emory University. The ACHA represents more than 1,100 institutions that serve the needs of 10 million college students.
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