Emergency Management director: Prepare for winter weather and other hazards

Tim Stoecklein, program manager, Emergency Management, presents at a Sept. 28 breakfast.
Tim Stoecklein, program manager, Emergency Management, presents at a Sept. 28 breakfast.

Have a plan. Build an emergency kit. Be aware. Train.

Tim Stoecklein, program director, Emergency Management, outlined those and other emergency preparedness tips for about 200 staff members at a Sept. 28 breakfast in Berger Hall.

They’re tips for anyone in any department on campus, he said. And anyone at UCCS can encounter any number of hazards here.

Using a quiz flashed on a large screen and a game-show dinger, Stoecklein asked staff members if they could list the top hazards on campus. They include: winter weather, fires, wildlife, an active shooter, lightning, flooding and major accidents. Zombies don’t make the list, he said.

“So these are the major hazards on campus – once we’re aware of them, we need to prepare for them,” he said.

Stoecklein urged everyone to register for emergency notifications through the UCCS system – alerts.uccs.edu and click on “alert sign up”-  and through the regional reverse 911 system – www.elpasoteller911.org.

UCCS Emergency Management can help any department prepare an emergency plan and provide training – see www.uccs.edu/pusafety for more information or contact Stoecklein directly at 255-3106 or [email protected].


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