Susan Watson, associate director, Human Resources Department, will become the department’s acting director effective Oct. 7.
Watson was named acting director by Gayanne Scott, assistant vice chancellor for finance and human resources, Administration and Finance. Scott will also provide additional support to the department while a search is underway to replace Jeanne Durr. Durr recently resigned to accept an associate vice president position at the University of Wyoming.
“Susan has been a member of the UCCS community for almost nine years now,” Scott said. “I have great confidence in her abilities to lead the department during this transition time.”

Watson joined UCCS in 2007. In Dec. 2015, she was named associate director. She is certified as a professional in human resources by the HR Certification Institute and the Society of Human Resource Management. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut.
Durr began at UCCS in November 2013. Her last day at UCCS is Oct. 7.
“I am deeply appreciative of Jeanne’s leadership of the department these past three years as the university improved its processes and also as they led the campus through the initial phase of the Elevate-HCM project,” Scott said. “I wish her continued success in her new position at Wyoming.”
The position of executive director of human resources is now posted at CU Jobs. See https://cu.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl . Scott encouraged campus community members to share the link with those who may be interested and to encourage applications. Scott hopes to complete the search process early in 2017.
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