Photo feature: Annual awards ceremony celebrates faculty, staff, student, alumni leaders

Campus and university leaders celebrate achievement. From left, Valerie Martin Conley, dean, College of Education, Venkat Reddy, dean, College of Business, CU Regent Kyle Hybl, Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak and CU Regent Steve Bosley.
Campus and university leaders celebrate achievement. From left, Valerie Martin Conley, dean, College of Education, Venkat Reddy, dean, College of Business, CU Regent Kyle Hybl, Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak and CU Regent Steve Bosley.

The 2016 Campus Awards Ceremony celebrated campus and individual accomplishments April 27 at Berger Hall.

The awards included the Outstanding Staff Award which was renamed this year to honor Garrett Swasey, a UCCS police officer killed in the line of duty in November 2015. More than 150 faculty and staff members attended the ceremonies and were joined by CU Regent Kyle Hybl and CU Regent Steve Bosley.

The awards, and those who received them, follow

  • Campus Legacy Builders:  Constance Staley, professor, Communication Department, Mark McConkie, professor, School of Public Affairs, Harriett Napierkowski, instructor, English Department
  • Special Chancellor’s Award, Rex Welshon, associate dean, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Chancellor’s Award, Christina Jimenez, associate professor, History Department
  • Outstanding Instructor Award, Zek Valkyrie,instructor, Sociology Department
  • Outstanding Teacher Award, Anna Kosloski, assistant professor, School of Public Affairs
  • Faculty Assembly Award, Mark Malone, professor, College of Education
  • Faculty Award for Outstanding Contribution to Diversity and Inclusiveness, Edwardo Portillos, associate professor, Sociology Department
  • Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, David Havlick, associate professor, Geography and Environmental Studies Department
  • Student Government Association Student’s Choice for Educator of the Year, Sabine Allenspach, instructor, Biology Department
  • Garrett Swasey Outstanding Staff Award, Marc Pino, police lieutenant, Department of Public Safety
  • Campus Sustainability Award, Kelley Jennings, greenhouse and farm manager, Greenhouse
  • Staff Council Service Excellence Award, Ida Dillwood, director, Disability Services Office
  • Alumni and Friends Award, Michael D. Fryt, business 1977
  • Student Employee of the Year Award, Estelle Brock
  • Student Achievement Award, Christopher Roth
  • Student Achievement Award, Tanweer Saleem Baig
  • Ron Wisner Human Spirit and Leadership Award, Preston Hare
  • Thomas F. McLaughlin Award, Cort Searls
  • Thomas F. McLaughlin Award, Kim Catlett


Campus Legacy Award winners from left: Constance Staley, Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Harriet Napierkowski, Mark McConkie.
Campus Legacy Award winners from left: Constance Staley, Pam Shockley-Zalabak, Harriet Napierkowski, Mark McConkie.
Chancellor's Award winner Christina Jimenez, left, and Garrett Swasey Outstanding Staff Member Award winner Marc Pino pose with Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak.
Chancellor’s Award winner Christina Jimenez, left, and Garrett Swasey Outstanding Staff Member Award winner Marc Pino pose with Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak.
Estelle Bock, left, with Shannon Cable, assistant director, Office of Student Financial Aid and Student Employment.
Student Employee of the Year Estelle Bock, left, with Shannon Cable, assistant director, Office of Student Financial Aid and Student Employment.
Sabine Allenspach accepts her Student's Choice for Educator of the Year Award.
Sabine Allenspach accepts her Student’s Choice for Educator of the Year Award.
Thomas F. McLaughlin Award winners. Cort Searls and Kim Catlett pose with Jared Verner, assistant athletic director
Thomas F. McLaughlin Award winners. Cort Searls and Kim Catlett pose with Jared Verner, assistant athletic director.
Student Achievement Award winners. Christopher Roth, left, poses with Barbara Gaddis, executive director, First Year Experience and Transfer Student Connections, and Tanweer Saleem Baig.
Preston Hare, left, was named Ron Wisner Human Spirit and Leadership Award winner. Wisner family members, background, helped present the award.
Kelley Jennings, left, winner of the Campus Sustainability Award.
Edwardo Portillos, left, associate professor, Sociology Department, was named Faculty Award for Outstanding Contribution to Diversity and Inclusiveness.
Anna Kosloski, assistant professor, School of Public Affairs, was named Outstanding Teacher.

— Photos by Tom Kimmell

2 Comments on Photo feature: Annual awards ceremony celebrates faculty, staff, student, alumni leaders

  1. Way to go UCCS! Great job recognizing accomplishments across all the levels on your campus. Congratulations to the awardees and thanks for all you’ve done to make CU a great place to learn and work.

  2. What fun it is to see my “old” professors honored.
    Connie Staley, Mark McConkie you were fantastic
    And, Pam, it is good to “see” you again.

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