Upcoming Campus Events: February 16 – February 25

Looking for something to do? Check out these upcoming events!

Campus Events

Friday, February 17 at 4:30 p.m.
German Business Culture Seminar

Description:  Please join us for an interactive presentation from German Language & Culture Consultant, Marion Szilagyi. This seminar will cover the fundamentals of German business culture as well as general German business etiquette. Open to all UCCS students, faculty and staff. We hope to see you there, auf wiedersehen!

Friday, February 17 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. | Clyde’s Gastropub (downstairs UC)
Karaoke Night

Description: Latinx Student Union is hosting our ever popular karaoke night! Join us and sing a few songs, and the night will also feature some stand-up comedy from our favorite grad student Karel.

Friday, February 17 from 6 – p.m. | Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center
Laser Tag

Monday, February 20 from 11:30 – 2 p.m.
Nursing Career Fair

Tuesday, February 21 from 5 – 7 p.m.
Celebrate Mardi Gras at UCCS

Tuesday, February 21 from 7 – 9 p.m.
Trivia Night

Wednesday, February 22 from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Cyberspace Symposium Collegiate Capture the Flag Competition

Description: Join us for the seventh annual Cyber Capture the Flag (CTF) Challenge at the AFCEA Rocky Mountain Cyberspace Symposium 2023. This free event can be joined either online or in person.
To register, visit https://us.hackazon.org and your account and your team directly on the website. The Invite Code is rmcs23college. Any team that wants to play in person at The Broadmoor should email: [email protected]. If you have questions, please contact either Mary Ann Tillman @ UCCS: [email protected] or Gene Albin at @ Deloitte at [email protected].

Wednesday, February 22 from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
SWE: Women in STEM and how they are portrayed in media

Friday, February 24 from 7 – 8 p.m.
Roaring Weekends: Swim Up Movie


Thursday, February 16 from 4 – 5 p.m.

Description: Develop your awareness and understanding of undocumented communities with a viewing and guided discussion of a film/video series. This is a great way for the UCCS community to learn more about ways to advocate for and with our undocumented community.

Tuesday, February 21st from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. | Clyde’s Byte (Game Room in the UC)
Gay-mer Night

Description: Gay-mer Night will offer an inclusive space for everyone to come together and play a variety of games. There will be some tournaments as well as free pizza! The event occurs during Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, which spreads awareness and acceptance of aromantic spectrum experiences and identities. Gay-mer Night seeks to hold space for the aromantic community coming from such a universally romanticized event and acknowledges their unique experiences. 

Thursday, February 23rd | 11:00 a.m. – Noon | In the MOSAIC and LGBTQ+ Resource Center (UC 110)
“What is Allyship?” Presentation

Description: Allyship is a verb and practice you can strengthen every day! This presentation will discuss the allyship awareness journey, build on the progression from allyship to advocacy, and encourage participants to develop an allyship action plan.

Thursday, February 23rd | 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. | In University Center room 307
“I Am Not My Hair” Dialogue on the CROWN Act

Description: The CROWN Act, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” is a law that prohibit race-based hair discrimination, which is the denial of employment and educational opportunities because of hair texture or protective styles including braids, locs, twists or bantu knots. Join us for a panel discussing the power, and complexities, that come with wearing your hair naturally and navigating academic and professional life. Hosted in collaboration with the Black Student Union, African Students Association, and Sisterhood Club.

Friday, February 24th | 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. | Clyde’s Gastropub
Queer-aoke Night

Description: Music has been utilized across cultures to build community, share stories, and celebrate all the expressions of life. Join us for this LGBTQ-centric night of musical expression with new and old friends! Hosted in partnership with QTPOC.




Mountain Lions vs. Northern Colorado
2 p.m. | Mountain Lion Park


Mountain Lions vs. Western Colorado
5 p.m. (Women) & 7 p.m. (Men) | Gallogly Events Center




Mountain Lions vs. Northern Colorado
Doubleheader starts at 11 a.m. | Mountain Lion Park


Check out the 2023 schedule at the Ent Center!

For more events on campus, check out Mountain Lion Connect, our central campus events calendar.