McGuire named UCCS Vice Provost & Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs

Patrick McGuire will serve as the Vice Provost & Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs.

Patrick McGuire has been appointed Vice Provost & Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs. He will begin in the role January 2023.

Pat is currently Professor and Acting Chair of the Department of Teaching & Learning in the College of Education at UCCS, with intersecting research and teaching areas among the disciplines of instructional technology, STEM education, and teacher preparation.

In addition to these roles, he serves as a Faculty Fellow for Faculty Development in the Office of Academic Affairs.

As Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Pat will be responsible for providing leadership and vision for the new office of Faculty Affairs while leading a variety of activities associated with faculty life; fostering an environment of academic and professional excellence; creating and furthering a culture of empowerment and support for all categories of faculty; and balancing the parallel roles of faculty advocate, administrator, and facilitator. This position plays a key role in administrative vision, policy interpretation, and development of most aspects of the faculty career, works collaboratively with the other members of the Provost’s leadership team and interfaces synergistically with the Vice Chancellor of Diversity Equity and Inclusion.

The search committee included: 

  • Susan Taylor (Chair), Vice Provost and Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning/Professor of English
  • Silvia Cano, Executive Assistant to the Provost/Faculty Records
  • Tom Christensen, Professor of Physics
  • Minette Church, President of Faculty Assembly/Professor of Anthropology
  • Laura Eurich, Co-Chair of Faculty Assembly Instructional, Research, and Clinical Faculty Committee, Co-Chair/Director of Undergraduate Studies of the Department of Communication, Senior Instructor in Communication
  • Kelli Klebe, Dean of the Graduate School/Professor of Psychology
  • Catherine Simmons, Professor and Chair of Social Work
  • Jessi L. Smith, Vice Provost and Associate Vice Chancellor for Research/Professor of Psychology

Support was also provided by Kyle Gruenhagen.