Research Q&A with Thomas Aicher: Running behaviors
We take a deeper dive into Thomas Aicher’s research on repeat behavior in runners. (More)
We take a deeper dive into Thomas Aicher’s research on repeat behavior in runners. (More)
We take a deeper dive into Arlene Bjugstad’s work on Latino student engagement in an educational environment. (More)
Steven Bistricky, Ph.D., a Psychology Assistant Professor the Lyda Hill Institute, was recently awarded the prestigious American Psychological Foundation Walter Katkovsky research grant. (More)
UCCS is taking a quantum leap. Assistant Professor Dmytro Bozhko, Ph.D., has been awarded a highly prestigious CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). (More)
Assistant Professor Ezio Iacocca of the Department of Physics and Energy Science and his co-authors recently published an article with groundbreaking results on the speed that domain walls of certain multilayered ferromagnetic materials can move at without breakdown. (More)
Welshon’s latest book, “Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morality: A Guide” introduces readers of all levels to the major arguments found in Nietzsche’s “Genealogy.” (More)
We take a deeper dive into Tarek Masaud’s work on battery storage and how it can bring us closer to a cleaner, more adaptable future. (More)
A list of the recent achievements in scholarship and sponsored programs. Bask in the reflected glory of all the extraordinary achievements on our campus. (More)
Three professors in the College of Letters, Arts & Sciences were recently awarded an impressive grant from the Henry Luce Foundation. (More)
The research of Vander Zanden is filling a hole in our understanding of how cells communicate. “It’s a fundamental mechanism of cell signaling,” said Vander Zanden. “If you can control this, you can control what the cell does.” (More)
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